Teresa Liao, innovation enthusiast, Vancouverite foodie, lover of cats

COMM 296 Final Assignment Reflection

In this course, the last assignment was to make a video regarding the marketing strategies and recommendations for the assigned company. It had to summarize the analysis and effectiveness of the company’s current marketing strategy. For our group, we had assessed MEC, previously known as Mountain Equipment Co-Operation.

The assignment was very interesting to work on, as it had challenged the group in teamwork, critical thinking and creativity. I felt as though the most difficult part was to communicate the information we had found in an engaging manner without leaving out any important details. This was especially apparent when completing the last part of the assignment, the peer reviewing. Most of the videos either had a strong analysis and reconsiderations and a less-than-engaging video, or a highly engaging video, but lacking depth and solid recommendations. If I had a chance to work on the assignment again, I would have put more effort into making the 5 minutes as engaging as possible.

Cultural Psychology and Marketing

The two most enjoyable courses I had taken this term at UBC were, Introduction to Marketing and Cultural Psychology. Interestingly enough, both have much in common in their content and context. The two topics are both ever so dynamic and applicable to everyday surroundings, it has given me much insight into what the future has to offer.

One of the main topics that I had found interesting was the difference in how Americans differ from the rest of the world’s holistic thinking. They are they only nation to perceive the world from a viewpoint with the subject as the focal point, and the environment as the background. This can be seen from politics, human interactions, art history, as well as practices of medicine.

When asked to describe the scene, holistic thinkers would describe the fish as being chased. In comparison, analytic thinkers would describe the fish as leading the school.

Now how does this apply to marketing? As an increasingly multicultural world, marketers must be exceptionally sensitive to cultural trends, to find out exactly how people do things and why they do things to create the biggest impact on the consumer. By identifying the cultural trends, products and services can interact and communicate to consumers in the most powerful context. Predicting the future is stepping in to the unknown, but by inspecting patterns of behaviours, we can find the best approaches.

Coined the term “melting pot”, there is an  increasing ethnic and religious diversity found in North America. Communities are less likely to force assimilation of immigrating cultures, rather, to encourage traditions and ideals of the two different cultures. This also increases a different population with different points of view, becoming increasingly open-minded and creative. As an immigrant to Canada, I identify with both Canadian and Taiwanese culture – this type of East and West thinking is quite new, and the best companies would be able to pinpoint exactly how we behave and cater to our emotions and psychological needs. In a blog post by Connie Zhu, she explains her attitudes towards being an Asian American.



Social Media Management and Hootsuite

As a member of the Generation Z population, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and other social media platforms seem to be integrated into our daily routine and lifestyle. It wasn’t until yesterday when a close friend of mine had just joined the Facebook community, where it shocked us all,  “You’ve just joined Facebook?” Social media has become such a revolutionary tool for communication, which is why increasing attention and research is being conducted on how to properly use the tool, how much control does the user really have?

When I work at the Hootsuite dashboard I feel like Captain Kirk.

Hootsuite, from Vancouver, started in 2008 and has gained such great recognition from the online marketing community. The system’s dashboard will allow you to juggle all social media accounts at one location, conveniently and punctually as well. Social media campaigns can be organized. You are the captain of the ship, airplane, train …. and spaceship all at the convenience of your desktop. That is not all, you can do so much more, such as easy collaborations with other VIPs, and being given detailed analytics to track your progress with the campaign.

The company does not only have a great system, to me, it is a great representation of what I believe entrepreneurship is. Always providing great information and useful tips on their blog, as well as being involved in the community- Hootsuite is a company to watch.

The Body Shop Competitive Advantage and Value

The Body Shop is definitely not the average beauty retailer. From their ethical moral to their active and ongoing social activism, value is added to the customer’s entire experience.

They build their competitive advantage around their 5 core values:
1. Against animal testing
2. Support fair trade
3. Activate self esteem
4. Defend human rights
5. Protect the planet

While keeping their media and advertising to a minimum, they managed to have an impact, securing a place in the skincare, bodycare and cosmetic markets, by differentiating themselves. The founder, Annita Roddick, had a natural and environmentally-conscious vision for the company, and it is inspiring to see an entrepreneur’s dreams being built and growing strong through 40 years. Value is added in many ways to benefit not only the customer, but also tracing back to the roots of producton, to the farmers who get fair pay to harvest ingredients for the company. Most of the time, exceptional customer service comes from intrinsic factors from the sales associates and management themselves, because the employees have a strong cultural identity with the company.

It is very apparent that the values are incorporated in every aspect of their operations, and it is very inspiring that fair trade stories are spread through word-of-mouth within the company, from employees to customers. My favourite fair trade story that I have heard of is fair-traded honey from Ethiopia. The handcrafted bamboo hives hung by the farmers in remote areas receive fair pay for the high quality honey, in which you can smell the floral scents from the bee’s pollination efforts.

Personally, as an aspiring entrepreneur, Anita Roddick is a woman I look up to dearly. Her passion and determination to do business in an ethical way is not just a front, but it is from her beliefs! Working for something you value so dearly is where I see myself in ten years, where passion is fuel for hard work, and thus, having influential results.



Re: Trends and fads in email marketing

As the new generation is growing in financial power to make more consumer choices, the technological aspect of marketing is also an emerging and uncovered sector to be explored. Email marketing, done in the right way, will be a quick and effective medium to communicate value to the masses for B2C business consumers. As assessed by a Guest Contributer in Reuter’s Blogs, email has to be done in the right way, to communicate the right message. Content marketing is key to avoiding the junk mailbox, to a message that sparks intrigue, emotion and most importantly, engagement.

Email marketing is misused in many ways, as it must be a part of content strategy, not just exposure. Remember target consumer, what would provoke their attention? What are they willing to take a moment to read? “A good brand is pervasive – it runs through all communications your company has with prospects and clients, right down to your email marketing.”

1. Personalize the message
Use the information you have on the consumers to segment the market and create content that is valuable to the individual. You are emailing as a friend, (Likability Principle) not a salesperson.

2. Engagement and social media incorporation
It is not a one-sided story. To really engage the consumers, you can contact them personally and have conversations with them through Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and other social media networks. Effective and thoughtful campaigns falls under this category as well.

3. Do not spam!
As elementary school had taught you, “If you do not have anything nice to say, don’t speak.” As soon as the consumers find that there is nothing of value to them, they will unsubscribe, or send the emails to their junk list. This is why it is important for emails to be verbally communicated as well, to give the medium a personable aspect as well.






iPhone 5C and the “Phone Generation”

From the recent news of UBC Sauder School of Business’s scandal on “Pro-Rape” chant, this occurrence is an example of how society stereotypes The Businessman – sly, conning and inconsiderate.



Apple’s launch of the iPhone 5C has surely made headlines for businesses. The consumers are under a craze, like a famished dog caged up ready to get his teeth on this new rainbow-coloured product. Apple was so clever to have allowed for pre-orders, having cameras ready to capture the lines of consumers waiting to get their hands on a new phone. Creating such hype gloats its big, fat demand.


In contrast, I had recently watched a video on the effects of a generation dominated by cellular phone use. Communication between people has changed forevermore. We can experience things and transfer ideas through a multitude of ways: talk, text, images, diagrams… you name it. Feeding our underlying human hunger for social interaction by creating a tool to isolate us from one another. Ironic, isn’t it?


Scary. I wake up to my phone, fall asleep to it, and even sit with my hands clasped on my lap, praying to my phone everyday. It’s an addiction that is becoming an epidemic.

Manipulation and misleading the public to buy a product is wrongful and unethical. Often, such great influence can be blamed on such causes, but in this case, the big impact is due to our own impulses, habits and patterns.

“A great product sells itself.”

Is the iPhone 5C a great product? -Perhaps.
Is it worth the hype? -In my humble opinion, the hype was only built by its successor and brand. A true marketing job well done.




UBC Frosh Chants
Bloomberg – iPhone Lines
Apple lines marketing tool for Apple
I Forgot My Phone



Re: WAL-MART: The High Cost of Low Price

In the earlier years of my life, I had taken Economics 12. One of the most interesting documentaries that our teacher had shown us was, “WAL-MART: The High Cost of Low Price”, which I highly recommend to watch. The video shows multiple aspects on American WAL-MART, such as worker exploitation, environmental damage, and its massive impact on opening in small cities. It is made in a low-budget form, with an obvious biased standing strictly against the monopoly.

Our teacher was clearly completely convinced that WAL-MART is pure evil. The image is still vivid – enthusiastically waving her arms and speaking with such force that her mouth was as dangerous as a garden sprinkler, all regarding responsible actions that companies should undertake.

Although the documentary, like our instructor, makes its argument with the least of grace, it does point out shocking aspects of the company that I never thought would be happening, especially about how such a big company can disregard the environment and nonchalantly deals with company complaints.

You can check out the documentary here.


What is an Entrepreneur

Entrepreneurship is an aspect of business that I have never truly understood, and will keep on trying to figure out.

Perhaps it is the versatility of entrepreneurs that makes the concept difficult to grasp, because the images that appear in my mind can vary from Donald Trump’s blonde toupee, to the Monopoly character that looks awfully similar to the Pringles man.

My good friend once told me that entrepreneurs are people that earns money by organizing people to make the best out of their talents.  What I had gotten out of our conversation  (perhaps also due to my natural tendency to exaggerate), was that an entrepreneur will be a shark, a sweet-talker, a charming-your-pants-off type of man with a killer haircut and legitimate-enough suit, that you cannot quite define their profession.

I find entrepreneurs share these similar qualities of charisma and ambition for success which are mostly personality traits, rather than skills learned off the textbook.

Most importantly, they are willing to take risks.



Dropbox is Innovative

How to make a great, delicious innovation. 


– 1 Great idea, preferrably ripe and applicable to everyday lifestyle
 -1 Dash of courage
– Technology, to taste

I applaud. Dropbox has done this by claiming their spot in the file synchronization industry first.
Founder Drew Houston had thought of the idea because he had commonly forgot his USB  at home. Of all the times that I had forgotten my USB, why hadn’t I thought of this idea before Drew Houston?

Recently, Seth Fiegerman on Mashable posted Dropbox Hits 100 Million Users. Do you remember the days of the USB? Surely, Dropbox doesn’t. Recently, Dropbox has reached a milestone of a whooping 100 million users. Competitors such as Apple are fighting to compete with their similar cloud systems, but Dropbox confidently takes the lead.

The first time I had encountered their system was in high school, where a knowledgeable graphic designer friend had informed me about this beauty. He had his entire design life on there, it’s much more secure than carrying USB, or even hard drives around.  Dropbox has then since held my hand throughout my high school career, file sharing at lightning speeds, group work at school became a breeze.
Perhaps following the recipe for innovation, I could make a game-changer too. Hey, a girl can dream right?




In this country with a free market, I often look around at the billboards and products around is in which we immerse ourselves in. Coffee is delicious, essential to Sauder lifestyle, and is one of the most traded agricultural commodities in the world. Starbucks, the world’s most successful chain coffee house, accurately portrays the new decade with their product.

Starbucks has done an excellent job relating their product to a specific desirable lifestyle. With the paparazzi snapping photos of well-dressed famous celebrities holding a cup of Starbucks, it links the brand to a high-fashion, trendy way of life. Transitioning into the cold winter months, Starbucks is avidly positioning itself into the consumer’s mind… sitting by the fireplace, watching snow fall, and having a warm Pumpkin Spice Latte.

When the winter months come, the cosy feeling of Christmas is linked to the red cups which Starbucks have cleverly crafted the appearance to. The winter campaign for their hot drinks have become successful by their unbeatable marketing team, crafted to their successful product. The massive coordination, research and creative thought put into the campaign is terrifyingly impressive. Looking into the news, the company has close to none bad reputation.


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