Teresa Liao, innovation enthusiast, Vancouverite foodie, lover of cats

Monthly Archives: September 2012

Social Media – Checklist for powerful and effective content

☑  Relatable Audiences will most often reject new products, information or services if they don’t relate to their previous experiences or knowledge. If your content has information that can create a link to their lives, they will most likely have a feel-good impression. ☑   Engaging Engaging not only means capturing the attention of your audience, but allows others to easily share your content elsewhere. Social media, if effectively implemented, should impact others enough to reference others to. ☑  Unique Find […]

Business Ethics – Compromising Whilst on the Hunt for Money

As in the article Stop collecting health numbers, SaskTel told demonstrates, identity theft is still an ongoing issue in society. The Canadian telephone company  SaskTel , based in Regina, Saskatchewan, was found to have breached the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act.  A customer was surprised the company had their personal information: health card number, as well as SIN number without their permission. The company claims to need two pieces of information (such as SIN number or a […]

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