
In this country with a free market, I often look around at the billboards and products around is in which we immerse ourselves in. Coffee is delicious, essential to Sauder lifestyle, and is one of the most traded agricultural commodities in the world. Starbucks, the world’s most successful chain coffee house, accurately portrays the new decade with their product.

Starbucks has done an excellent job relating their product to a specific desirable lifestyle. With the paparazzi snapping photos of well-dressed famous celebrities holding a cup of Starbucks, it links the brand to a high-fashion, trendy way of life. Transitioning into the cold winter months, Starbucks is avidly positioning itself into the consumer’s mind… sitting by the fireplace, watching snow fall, and having a warm Pumpkin Spice Latte.

When the winter months come, the cosy feeling of Christmas is linked to the red cups which Starbucks have cleverly crafted the appearance to. The winter campaign for their hot drinks have become successful by their unbeatable marketing team, crafted to their successful product. The massive coordination, research and creative thought put into the campaign is terrifyingly impressive. Looking into the news, the company has close to none bad reputation.

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