iPhone 5C and the “Phone Generation”

From the recent news of UBC Sauder School of Business’s scandal on “Pro-Rape” chant, this occurrence is an example of how society stereotypes The Businessman – sly, conning and inconsiderate.



Apple’s launch of the iPhone 5C has surely made headlines for businesses. The consumers are under a craze, like a famished dog caged up ready to get his teeth on this new rainbow-coloured product. Apple was so clever to have allowed for pre-orders, having cameras ready to capture the lines of consumers waiting to get their hands on a new phone. Creating such hype gloats its big, fat demand.


In contrast, I had recently watched a video on the effects of a generation dominated by cellular phone use. Communication between people has changed forevermore. We can experience things and transfer ideas through a multitude of ways: talk, text, images, diagrams… you name it. Feeding our underlying human hunger for social interaction by creating a tool to isolate us from one another. Ironic, isn’t it?


Scary. I wake up to my phone, fall asleep to it, and even sit with my hands clasped on my lap, praying to my phone everyday. It’s an addiction that is becoming an epidemic.

Manipulation and misleading the public to buy a product is wrongful and unethical. Often, such great influence can be blamed on such causes, but in this case, the big impact is due to our own impulses, habits and patterns.

“A great product sells itself.”

Is the iPhone 5C a great product? -Perhaps.
Is it worth the hype? -In my humble opinion, the hype was only built by its successor and brand. A true marketing job well done.




UBC Frosh Chants
Bloomberg – iPhone Lines
Apple lines marketing tool for Apple
I Forgot My Phone



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