Teresa Liao, innovation enthusiast, Vancouverite foodie, lover of cats

Monthly Archives: November 2013

COMM 296 Final Assignment Reflection

In this course, the last assignment was to make a video regarding the marketing strategies and recommendations for the assigned company. It had to summarize the analysis and effectiveness of the company’s current marketing strategy. For our group, we had assessed MEC, previously known as Mountain Equipment Co-Operation. The assignment was very interesting to work on, as it had challenged the group in teamwork, critical thinking and creativity. I felt as though the most difficult part was to communicate the […]

Cultural Psychology and Marketing

The two most enjoyable courses I had taken this term at UBC were, Introduction to Marketing and Cultural Psychology. Interestingly enough, both have much in common in their content and context. The two topics are both ever so dynamic and applicable to everyday surroundings, it has given me much insight into what the future has to offer. One of the main topics that I had found interesting was the difference in how Americans differ from the rest of the world’s […]

Social Media Management and Hootsuite

As a member of the Generation Z population, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and other social media platforms seem to be integrated into our daily routine and lifestyle. It wasn’t until yesterday when a close friend of mine had just joined the Facebook community, where it shocked us all,  “You’ve just joined Facebook?” Social media has become such a revolutionary tool for communication, which is why increasing attention and research is being conducted on how to properly use the tool, how much control does […]

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