COMM 296 Final Assignment Reflection

In this course, the last assignment was to make a video regarding the marketing strategies and recommendations for the assigned company. It had to summarize the analysis and effectiveness of the company’s current marketing strategy. For our group, we had assessed MEC, previously known as Mountain Equipment Co-Operation.

The assignment was very interesting to work on, as it had challenged the group in teamwork, critical thinking and creativity. I felt as though the most difficult part was to communicate the information we had found in an engaging manner without leaving out any important details. This was especially apparent when completing the last part of the assignment, the peer reviewing. Most of the videos either had a strong analysis and reconsiderations and a less-than-engaging video, or a highly engaging video, but lacking depth and solid recommendations. If I had a chance to work on the assignment again, I would have put more effort into making the 5 minutes as engaging as possible.

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