Dropbox is Innovative

How to make a great, delicious innovation. 


– 1 Great idea, preferrably ripe and applicable to everyday lifestyle
 -1 Dash of courage
– Technology, to taste

I applaud. Dropbox has done this by claiming their spot in the file synchronization industry first.
Founder Drew Houston had thought of the idea because he had commonly forgot his USB  at home. Of all the times that I had forgotten my USB, why hadn’t I thought of this idea before Drew Houston?

Recently, Seth Fiegerman on Mashable posted Dropbox Hits 100 Million Users. Do you remember the days of the USB? Surely, Dropbox doesn’t. Recently, Dropbox has reached a milestone of a whooping 100 million users. Competitors such as Apple are fighting to compete with their similar cloud systems, but Dropbox confidently takes the lead.

The first time I had encountered their system was in high school, where a knowledgeable graphic designer friend had informed me about this beauty. He had his entire design life on there, it’s much more secure than carrying USB, or even hard drives around.  Dropbox has then since held my hand throughout my high school career, file sharing at lightning speeds, group work at school became a breeze.
Perhaps following the recipe for innovation, I could make a game-changer too. Hey, a girl can dream right?



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