Teresa Liao, innovation enthusiast, Vancouverite foodie, lover of cats

Category Archives: Entrepreneurship

Social Media Management and Hootsuite

As a member of the Generation Z population, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and other social media platforms seem to be integrated into our daily routine and lifestyle. It wasn’t until yesterday when a close friend of mine had just joined the Facebook community, where it shocked us all,  “You’ve just joined Facebook?” Social media has become such a revolutionary tool for communication, which is why increasing attention and research is being conducted on how to properly use the tool, how much control does […]

What is an Entrepreneur

Entrepreneurship is an aspect of business that I have never truly understood, and will keep on trying to figure out. Perhaps it is the versatility of entrepreneurs that makes the concept difficult to grasp, because the images that appear in my mind can vary from Donald Trump’s blonde toupee, to the Monopoly character that looks awfully similar to the Pringles man. My good friend once told me that entrepreneurs are people that earns money by organizing people to make the best […]

Dropbox is Innovative

How to make a great, delicious innovation.  Ingredients: – 1 Great idea, preferrably ripe and applicable to everyday lifestyle  -1 Dash of courage – Technology, to taste I applaud. Dropbox has done this by claiming their spot in the file synchronization industry first. Founder Drew Houston had thought of the idea because he had commonly forgot his USB  at home. Of all the times that I had forgotten my USB, why hadn’t I thought of this idea before Drew Houston? […]

Business Ethics – Compromising Whilst on the Hunt for Money

As in the article Stop collecting health numbers, SaskTel told demonstrates, identity theft is still an ongoing issue in society. The Canadian telephone company  SaskTel , based in Regina, Saskatchewan, was found to have breached the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act.  A customer was surprised the company had their personal information: health card number, as well as SIN number without their permission. The company claims to need two pieces of information (such as SIN number or a […]

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