Teresa Liao, innovation enthusiast, Vancouverite foodie, lover of cats

Tag Archives: COMM 101

Re: WAL-MART: The High Cost of Low Price

In the earlier years of my life, I had taken Economics 12. One of the most interesting documentaries that our teacher had shown us was, “WAL-MART: The High Cost of Low Price”, which I highly recommend to watch. The video shows multiple aspects on American WAL-MART, such as worker exploitation, environmental damage, and its massive impact on opening in small cities. It is made in a low-budget form, with an obvious biased standing strictly against the monopoly. Our teacher was clearly completely convinced […]

What is an Entrepreneur

Entrepreneurship is an aspect of business that I have never truly understood, and will keep on trying to figure out. Perhaps it is the versatility of entrepreneurs that makes the concept difficult to grasp, because the images that appear in my mind can vary from Donald Trump’s blonde toupee, to the Monopoly character that looks awfully similar to the Pringles man. My good friend once told me that entrepreneurs are people that earns money by organizing people to make the best […]

Dropbox is Innovative

How to make a great, delicious innovation.  Ingredients: – 1 Great idea, preferrably ripe and applicable to everyday lifestyle  -1 Dash of courage – Technology, to taste I applaud. Dropbox has done this by claiming their spot in the file synchronization industry first. Founder Drew Houston had thought of the idea because he had commonly forgot his USB  at home. Of all the times that I had forgotten my USB, why hadn’t I thought of this idea before Drew Houston? […]


In this country with a free market, I often look around at the billboards and products around is in which we immerse ourselves in. Coffee is delicious, essential to Sauder lifestyle, and is one of the most traded agricultural commodities in the world. Starbucks, the world’s most successful chain coffee house, accurately portrays the new decade with their product. Starbucks has done an excellent job relating their product to a specific desirable lifestyle. With the paparazzi snapping photos of well-dressed famous celebrities […]

SFU Marketer’s Night

SFU Marketing Association had recently hosted their Marketer’s Night. http://www.facebook.com/events/401830359887299/?fref=ts Mariah Hamilton, Business Strategist from B3 Communications, was the first speaker of the night. She was the mind and power behind many large-scale products, the most memorable being  Cloud 9 Specialty Bakery. Cloud 9 has a number of outlets which it sells its products to, including Cafe Artigiano and Costco Wholesale. Personally, I had tried their biscuits before I had met Mariah Hamilton, and I was very impressed by their delicious product. After seeing her entire […]

Re: Tim Hortons: A Canadian Icon

Re: Tim Hortons: A Canadian Icon by Sally Chen As I sit in my local Tim Hortons in Coquitlam reading this article that Sally had written, it came to my consciousness of the question why Tim Hortons had been so successful. In Sally’s blog, she has pointed out that Timmies offers: national identity and pride via tradition, history, and hockey ability to adapt to the demands of consumers and changing trends, in terms of products successful brand positioning developed from its slogan, […]

Re: The ugly truth of brand positioning

This is a reply to The ugly truth of brand positioning by  Nick Liddell. In this blog post, he argues that in brand positioning, finding a brand name doesn’t require “truth”. By this, he means that companies often build upon factual “truths”, and will sell their product upon it. Often the most successful brands have used this, in his example of Dove feeding off the truth that women are insecure; or Axe, using the truth that men want to attract the opposite sex. […]

Social Media – Checklist for powerful and effective content

☑  Relatable Audiences will most often reject new products, information or services if they don’t relate to their previous experiences or knowledge. If your content has information that can create a link to their lives, they will most likely have a feel-good impression. ☑   Engaging Engaging not only means capturing the attention of your audience, but allows others to easily share your content elsewhere. Social media, if effectively implemented, should impact others enough to reference others to. ☑  Unique Find […]

Business Ethics – Compromising Whilst on the Hunt for Money

As in the article Stop collecting health numbers, SaskTel told demonstrates, identity theft is still an ongoing issue in society. The Canadian telephone company  SaskTel , based in Regina, Saskatchewan, was found to have breached the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act.  A customer was surprised the company had their personal information: health card number, as well as SIN number without their permission. The company claims to need two pieces of information (such as SIN number or a […]

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