

September 14th, 2011 · No Comments

Apparently we have to talk about ethics, not government intervention…

In Argentina, the 4 biggest grain producers, ADM, Bunge, Cargill and Dreyfus, are being accused of committing tax evasion on a astronomical scale, adding up to about $700,000,000 in unpaid taxes, as reported in the Guardian.  The four grain producers say they will defend against Argentina’s allegation viciously, however, the legal costs alone will probably cost both sides in the millions.

In regards to business ethics, if the allegation hold true, the grain producers present poor ethical decisions, withholding tax money from the government, and ultimately the people which it profits from.  Because of this whole ordeal, the legal fees alone will present a burden to argentina, already in economic stress, and also to the food costs, which has already risen tremendously over the past few years.  The legal costs would have been completely unnecessary had the producers paid their taxes, and are unethical ways to spend money because, ultimately, the consumers are paying for it, whether in the tax payer’s money the Argentinian Government’s using to fight the battles, or in the increased food price.



Tags: Commerce 101

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