

March 13th, 2013 · No Comments

Having lost nearly 18% of its marketshare over the past two years, Blackberry has struggled to maintain its position as a market leader in the smartphone industry, and fell behind to its competitors such as Samsung and Apple.  With continually eroding marketshares in an extremely competitive market and a failed attempt into the tablet market, it’s time for Blackberry to do or die; to either reestablish its brand as an innovative leader in the tech industry or disappear as a has-been.  In an attempt to rebrand itself and start anew, RIM changed its name to Blackberry, and the launch of the new blackberry Z10 and Q10, as well as the new blackberry 10 OS, presents the first test for this rebranded company, and will determine its future.  The blackberry Z10 and Q10 takes a step away from the traditional blackberry, and integrates a touchscreen similar to its competitors such as the iPhone or the Galaxy, and it seems Blackberry has learned from its past mistakes with the new operating system offering a wider variety of apps, and overall is at a much closer functional level as the top-tier smartphones such as iPhone and Galaxy.  So far, it has gained very positive reviews from consumers, but it remains in question if it will continue to innovate and return to its competitive position in the market.

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