
Making Your Brand Stick Out – Smelly Markers!

September 27th, 2011 · 1 Comment

All through out the class today, I was trying to think of an example of a product that has a very well established point of difference, and then it hit me.  Smelly Markers!  or more accurately, Mr.Sketch Scented Water Colour Markers, provide an excellent example of a product that has distinguished itself from the competition in an innovative way.   As well as bright, fluorescent colours, the smelly markers add a delightful smell, leaving a nose and eye pleasing mark on your paper.  However, despite it’s Point of Difference that makes it unique, it is still not the leading competitor in the marker market.  Although it does not offer an extra benefit compared to the smelly markers, Magic Markers lead the competition.  This is mainly because it was the first to establish its brand in the market, and the first one to be known for markers.  After it had established its brand name for markers, it became harder for other competitors to oust it, no matter how much better their product was.  This reinforces the fact that in marketing, it is better for a brand to position itself in the market first, rather than waste time trying to make innovative products.

Tags: Commerce 101

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