Archive for the 'Faculty' Category

Cast your [electronic] ballot!

Don’t forget to vote this week!  There are many different positions that students are running for, and for different faculties as well.

In the case that you don’t feel that you are well informed enough to vote for the candidates running for their respective positions, do take the time to vote for the current referendum regarding building private housing on campus.  This is your opportunity to voice your opinions about what happens on your campus!

How do you vote?  Log into your SSC, and select “Webvote” from the main page (it’s at the bottom of the list where you access your course schedule).  Click on “cast vote” and then  find the referendum or positions that you would like to vote for.  It only takes a few seconds to do!

Science Week 2012!!!

Jello Wrestling!


Prof Pageant!

Paralympic athlete Andrea Holmes!

And Much More!!!

What: The most exciting week for science students!

When: January 23-27 (this week!)

Where: Mostly at Abdul Ladha and the SUB…check out for exact times and locations.

What you can get out of Science Week:

  • $20 gift card prizes for the most creative or most nerdy photo from Science Week 2012!
  • Get entered in a draw for a $20 UBC Bookstore gift card when you use the #SciWeek2012 hash tag on Twitter – the more times you use it, the better your chances!
  • Be one of the first 100 people to answer the daily SUS trivia question (posted on the blog the night before) and win a prize!
  • And you’ll get even more prizes and free SUS swag if you participate in the events!!!

I know there are a lot of exclamation marks in this post, but I’m just sooo excited about the week ahead!!! 🙂

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