Archive for the 'Uncategorized' Category

Wear Pink!

October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month!  Although there are less than 10 days left in the month, there are still events happening on campus that advocate raising awareness for breast cancer research.  One such event is Global Pink Hijab Day! Brought to UBC by the university’s Muslim Students Association on Wednesday October 26th, the day focuses on raising awareness for breast cancer while educating the public about the religion of Islam and the hijab that Muslims wear.   Check out the MSA booth in the SUB to learn more about Islamaphobia-garnered stereotypes or to make a donation to the Canadian Breast Cancer Foundation!  Most importantly, don’t forget to show your support by wearing pink!

Pink Hijab Day 2011 – October 26th!!!

Giving Back

Do you ever have that moment when you pause and realize that you are taking your life for granted?  That moment when you discipline yourself that you should be more grateful for your health, your freedom, your opportunities?  I do.  I also know that, even when I have a sore throat and runny nose, I am in better health than at least one other person in the world.  It is this fact that causes me to be grateful for what I have, and to use my abilities to give back to the community at large.  This is the reason why I volunteer.

I recently started volunteering at BC Children’s Hospital.  Once a week, I get to spend a few hours with kids, kids who are too sick to play outside with other kids.  I get to soothe babies who have not yet celebrated their first birthday, yet are hooked up to tubing and machinery in order for them to become healthy again.  Sometimes a kid wants to teach me how to use a nintendo; another was excited to have company while watching a wrestling match.

These children are so innocent.  They have dreams and aspirations, yet some of them will spend their childhood at 2 homes – their abode and the hospital.  Even though their hopes and wants are on a different level from mine, I remember my own childhood, when I was free to explore the world, blissfully ignorant of anything beyond which crayon colour to choose.  I remember that I always had my mother, father, or a sibling near by to comfort me; some children’s parents have no choice but to leave them alone in the hospital.

Despite all, there is one thing that I am thankful for for these kids – they live in a privileged country and are receiving state-of-the-art treatment.  Like I said, you are always in a better position than another human being, no matter how difficult your position may be.  Realize this, and start giving back.

Exams :S

Midterm season has arrived!  Tis the season for caffeine-driven all-nighters filled with cramming equations, concepts, and definitions into our brains.  But is that really the smart way to take on exams?  Okay, so maybe cramming will get you through that one chemistry midterm…but will you remember it for the final?

From experience of NOT participating in unhealthy habits AND succeeding in my exams, here are a few tips to get you through the next few weeks:

  1. Sleep continues to be essential!  Despite having too-much-to-do-and-not-enough-time-to-do-it, sleep deprivation is not going to help you perform your best on the exam.  I hear you – you need the time to cram!  Onto #2…
  2. Inevitable cramming: So we didn’t keep on top of our pre-readings during the first month of school.  Now what?  Be efficient with your time.  Don’t log into Facebook or Twitter when you’re ‘taking a break’ from studying.  We all know it takes up more time than intended.  Yes, you’ll lose some sleep from studying, but you won’t lose as much as if you tended to your social life at the same time.
  3. Don’t forget to eat healthy! Stress and a lack of time doesn’t help us to make the healthiest choices in the other domains of our life.  Firstly, don’t forget to eat regular meals, and eat them before everyone in the library knows your stomach’s growling.  Secondly, continue to make healthy food choices.  A nutritious meal is a great way to get your brain engines in top-notch condition for the exam.
Good luck on your exams! 🙂

There’s a Club for that!

It’s Clubs Week!  If you haven’t already, make sure you check out the various booths at the SUB – in the main concourse and the 2nd floor!  A part of attending UBC is finding your niche, and joining a club is a great way to do just that.  You’ll be able to meet new people and develop great networks.  From the tennis club to the business communication club to the pre-medical society, there has to be a club that attracts your attention!

Just for fun, I’ve scoped out a collection of clubs that I find the most odd:

  • Anime club
  • Coin and Stamp club
  • Table Tennis club
  • UBC loves Vaginas
  • UBC Mafia club
  • Wine tasting club


My name is Zahra and I’m really excited to be a part of UBC Blog Squad!  I’d love to say more about myself, but it’s already all under the “About Me” page.  Visit it and the other pages to find out more about my blog and useful resources for life at UBC!  I look forward to hearing your comments and answering your questions!

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