With an avid imagination and determined work ethic, Andrew Lang was able to collect stories from across the globes in order to ensure old tales survive for future generations.
The Fairy Book Series are Andrew Lang’s most famous works as a result of Lang’s constant fascination with myth, folklore and fairytale. The series is an accumulation of fairy tales hand picked by Lang. Unlike other authors who wrote fairytales and fiction, Lang wished to gather stories that had already been recorded opposed to collecting new stories directly from the source. Focusing on tales that had already been told, Lang was able to expand his search outside Europe and across the world. Over the span of 21 years, Lang gathered, edited and translated 437 stories filling 12 different books. Each book has a different binding and were created to reignite interest in the folkloric and fairytale genre as scientific advancements were quickly overtaking the public’s faith in the unexplainable.
The first book released in the series was The Blue Fairy Book in 1889. The novel was edited by Lang with several illustrations by H.J. Ford and G.P. Jacomb Hood. In the preface Lang specifies that the tales in this novel were intended for children “who will like, it is hoped, the old stories that have pleased so many generations.” Lang wants to preserve the sanctity of the tales and ensure future generations have the privilege of readings the same stories that give Lang enjoy as a child.
*Information gather from external research. Please see Works Cited for details.
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