About Me

Hi there!

My name is Kelly Rumley. I am in my 4th year at UBC majoring in English Literature and minoring in International Relations. I was born in Whiterock, BC and went to school in South Surrey (anyone who knows the area will understand the need for distinction). I am an only child much to my dismay but I have a huge family and a great group of friends so I really do not have much to complain about!

From a young age, my life revolved around sports as I tried to play the role of daughter and son. Though my father always supported me in all my endeavours, he will be forever grateful I traded in my ballet slippers for skates and cleats as sitting through an entire dance recital may have killed him.  Softball, ringette, soccer and volleyball kept me busy over the years until  softball gave me the opportunity to attend UBC. After accepting my offer, I have never looked back and am now finishing my eligibility (4 years later) and graduating from the program in May.  Unlike many of my peers, I will not be graduating this May as I have decided to embrace the inevitable 5th year victory lap and prepare for a year without athletics.

As cliche as this sounds, after I complete my undergrad I plan to travel then hopefully attend some sort of grad school in the fall. Along with several others, I do not know exactly what I want out of life but I consider myself very lucky to have had some of the incredible experiences over the past 4 years and look forward to the next chapter of my life!


– kelly 




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