Problem: Supply and Demand

Although salmon aquaculture is a significant part of the economy in BC, a huge issue arises due to the fact that salmon are carnivorous creatures. In order for salmon to grow and contain the essential omega-3 fatty acids that make them attractive to consumers, they must feed on forage fish, such as sardines, anchovies, and mackeral, which are reduced into fish meal and fish oil. With aquaculture being one of the fastest growing sectors in the food industry, demand for fish meal and fish oil is rising while supplies are dwindling. As seen in the graphs below, there has been a significant decline in global fishmeal production and increase in fishmeal price.Declining Fish Meal Fishmeal and Soymeal Prices

This creates an issue where higher prices for fish meal and fish oil will create incentive for over-fishing in poorly regulated areas and fisheries that are financially struggling, resulting in large negatives effects on forage fish stocks. Fortunately, due to the increasing price of fish meal and fish oil, aquaculture companies and scientists are looking into alternative protein sources in aquaculture feed, which could potentially lessen the pressures on forage fish.