Social Media as an Extension of the Catalogue

There’s been much discussion over the ways in which librarians can use social media as individuals, whether to promote their organizations, run programs, or express their own opinions. However, there’s another affordance of social media which librarians can capitalize on, and that is using social media as software.

One of the most obvious examples of this is the BiblioCommons software program BiblioCore. BiblioCore essentially functions as an OPAC, or Online Public Access Catalogue. Some of the main affordances of BiblioCore are:

    • The ability to link databases, photos, and staff blogs into the catalogue so that users can discover them and access them directly from their main search
    • The integration of eBooks into the library catalogue so that they are searchable and borrowable from the main OPAC
    • The ability for patrons to create an account and sign in with a username and password instead of library card number and pin number
    • The addition of social features are into the catalogue, including reviews, personalized book lists, and the ability to search other patrons book lists (including from other libraries and other countries using BiblioCore)
    • The ability to add staff curated lists on different topics into the catalogue, opening up a new form of reader’s advisory

The main visible change for patrons is the addition of social features into the catalogue, and Linda Berube refers to this as the Web 2.0 evolution of the OPAC into the “SOPAC” or Social OPAC (Berube, p. 66). In utilizing this SOPAC, libraries are moving to meet users in the middle, by providing traditional library services packaged with some of the features that are expected in the social media platforms they are commonly using in their daily lives. It is an evolution not only in social media but also in librarianship.

Another example of this type of social media software use is the West Vancouver Memorial Library Youth Department’s “App Tumblr”. At WVML the Youth Department has a “Petting Zoo” of devices for children to explore. This includes a number of iPads loaded with librarian reviewed and selected apps for children and families to check out and try. While these apps aren’t an “item” in the same way that books or even eBooks are, they’re still part of the library collection and something the library wants to promote.

These apps couldn’t be added into a traditional catalogue, so the WVML youth department instead uses Tumblr as an extension of their catalogue – and a place where they can provide reviews of the apps on their iPads. These reviews are also catalogued using a controlled vocabulary on the site, enabling users to search among them for specific apps for different age groups, themes, or activities. In this manner, the youth librarians are using social media to showcase a part of their collection which would otherwise be invisible and unsearchable to users outside of the library.


Just two more instances of social media and librarians in action!

Berube, Linda. (2011). Do You Web 2.0?: Public Libraries and Social Networking. Oxford: Chandos Publishing. Accessed:

BiblioCommons. (2015) “BiblioCore”

Social Librarians in Action

This week I wanted to both try out the platform Storify, and to highlight another instance of librarians being actively engaged with social media.

Storify is a fairly simple platform to learn (this is the first story I’ve made) but I found that it was also a fairly finicky platform, particularly if you have a poor internet connection which is continually dropping in and out. At one point I lost about 10 minutes worth of work, which is quite a lot when you’re working with such a small project, when my internet was disrupted.

That said, it has a lot of potential as a fairly accessible platform to use with participants in a program, perhaps getting them to build their own experience of a program or event into a story, and then sharing them to see how different participants experiences varied.

Without any further ado, here is the story of Social Librarians in Action. This story leverages tweets about Teen Tech Week 2016 (#TTW16) to show how librarians are actively engaging with social media, and how this can benefit them. Here it is displayed as a slideshow, but you can also view it on Storify as a linear story.

Digital Ethnography and Communities of Practice

Before reading this post you should consider this video clip from a talk by Michael Wesch, one of my favourite anthropologists, which also happens to be one of my favourite YouTube videos on remix culture.

The first time I saw this video I was an undergraduate student finishing my minor in Anthropology with a Monday evening class on Visual Ethnography. I remember sitting in class and coming to the end of the video and thinking “Wow. I have never thought about social media and remix culture that way before.” Continue reading

Using Social Media in Tiny Ways

Much of the discussion around information organizations’ use of social media revolves around the time and challenges involved with managing social media. I know that I have talked about the importance of recognizing the need for adequate time and knowledge previously, but I also would like to discuss the great potential for libraries using social media in small ways. A case in point is the Powell River Public Library’s “Tiny Story Contest”, which I learned about through a presentation at BCLA 2015.

The “Tiny Story Contest” was originally inspired by a short story collection by Lou Beach called 420 Characters. (You can, and should, read all of his stories on his website.) These stories were all originally published by Beach on Facebook as status updates – hence the length of the stories, 420 characters, which was the original maximum for status updates on Facebook. A librarian at Powell River came across the collection, read it, and from this inspiration a story-writing contest was born. Continue reading