Easy Tips to Stay Organized

While the rest of the blog is dedicated to providing long-term strategies, we want to share 4 quick and easy organizational tips that your student group can implement now!

1.Clear Storage Bins

  • Use clear storage bins! This simple change can make such a big impact on student groups organization. Every student is busy, so being able to quickly see the contents of a bin can greatly reduce time spent searching for items.

2. Make Responsibility Clear

  • Is organization one executive member’s responsibility? Is it everyone’s? By even just having a meeting and clarifying who is expected to be responsible for taking care of the organization of the storage room or closet can make a big difference! Being transparent on responsibility can help hold individuals accountable to maintaining an organized space.

3. Share Ideas

  • Within your university, on this blog, or another outlet, share ideas! This blog is no means the only way you should do things. Every student group has different needs, so sharing ideas is key to finding the right strategy for you!

4. Make Organization Fun!

  • Finally, organization doesn’t need to be a chore! Try having fun with it! On big clean-up days allocate some of your student budget to buying pizza and snacks, play some music, and make organization fun. By making it more of a social event, you are creating a community within your student group. Everyone joined the group to give back and meet new people and friends! Organization can just be another way to do this 🙂