5 Negative Behaviours That Are Actually Healthy

By: Elise Benito

Being angry sometimes

If you’re mad, scream. Shout at somebody or don’t talk to anyone if you don’t want to. You can sleep all day and ignore every responsibility you have. Don’t sleep at all and spend your time ranting on every social media possible. It’s okay because it will teach you the importance and benefit of forgiveness. You will learn to forgive others. It will help you understand that people make mistakes but most of them don’t mean to hurt you. You will learn to forgive yourself for the bad decisions you made. Forgiveness can make a heavy heart lighter.


It won’t make you less of a person if you’re the one to cry. Tear glands were put there for a reason and that is to wash away whatever it is that’s blocking your vision. It could be the dust that piled up on the memories you shouldn’t be keeping. Maybe it’s time for you to clean up your closet or your mind. Get two boxes and label each as follows: give away and keep. You’re going to need space in your brain for new memories and that exam you have to study for.

Moving on

Over time, you will lose connection with your grade school best friend or your ex-girlfriend from college. You will remember them out of the blue and miss them. There will come a day that you’ll drop your phone in the toilet and won’t be able to resuscitate it. A friend will borrow your favorite book and never return it. The night you’ll lose your virginity will either break you or show you the love of your life. These things will leave you empty but believe that this is only temporary. It will be replaced by better versions of what you had before. An upgrade of some sort – an iPhone, a more mature partner, or a new favorite book. Raise your hands to the sky and catch what the universe will give you.

Being lost

Everybody gets lost a couple of times in their lives. It will take you days, months, or even year to get yourself out of that ditch. But it is during those times that you will find out where you really want to go. Take your time. Nobody can or should rush you. It is your life that you’ll be living out, not theirs. Try new things. If you’ve never rode a plane, go do it. Maybe a pretty girl will seat beside you and then you’ll click. Meet new people. Maybe she knows a way. Maybe she wants to walk with you until you find a way. Ride cars, busses, boats, cruise ships, trucks, space shuttles, and bikes. You’ll get there someday, wherever it is.

Being alone

There are days when you’ll need to be away from people even when you don’t want it. You’ll learn to take care of yourself more. Nobody knows your needs more than yourself but you can’t do that when you’re too focused on other people. They can take care of themselves and so do you. So walk by yourself. Eat by yourself. Sleep by yourself. Get a beer and spend the night watching people interact. Go see a movie alone and appreciate the fact that nobody keeps asking you to explain what’s happening on screen.

I usually avoid negative feelings thinking that it will only drag me down. I thought that ignoring them would make them go away or I would just forget about it. While the negativity is still there, I waste my time in front of the laptop and distract myself with cat gifs, tips for the 20-somethings, and endless list of irrelevant things. I do that until I fall asleep at four in the morning and do the same routine the next day. But I’m getting tired of it and I feel like I’m beating myself up. You and I can’t lose to ourselves. You and I should start seeing the negativity from a different perspective.

You need to accept those things happen but it happens for a reason. It happens and it will leave you with experiences and lessons for the next 50 years of your life. Tread lightly. Let things go, let things grow. Be kind to the people you meet along the way. Be kind to yourself, most of all.

Addicted to Netflix

by Sanaah Dodhia

If you’re all done with exams, the only logical thing to do with your time is binge watch great TV shows on Netflix. Here are my recommendations on where to start.

  1. Suits

Description on Netflix: When he impresses a big lawyer with his razor-sharp mind, a college dropout scores a coveted associate job, even though he has no legal credentials.

My description: Mike Ross – a cute, smart, college drop out with a crazy memory – meets Harvey Spector – a handsome, charming Senior Partner at a law firm and New York – and ends up with a job. Mike is not a real lawyer but because of his witts and ability Harvey decides to take him on as his associate. The whole show revolves around solving cases while trying to keep Mike Ross from being fired.

Why I like it: It’s a really engaging show in terms of the content level. It makes you think but there’s some comedy and emotional drama in it – a dramedy.

  1. Orange Is The New Black

Description on Netflix: From the creator of “Weeds” comes a heartbreaking and hilarious original series set in a women’s prison. Piper Chapman’s wild past comes back to haunt her, resulting in her arrest and detention in a federal penitentiary. To pay her debt to society, Piper trades her comfortable New York life for an orange prison jumpsuit and finds unexpected conflict and camaraderie amidst an eccentric group of inmates.

My description: Piper, who’s about to get engaged gets put into prison because of a group that she was associated with when she was younger. The show revolves around her struggles as a non-criminal in prison and how she “blossoms” from this quite, logical woman into this beast that can seriously kick some a**.

Why I like it: I was addicted to season 1 because I was really curious to know what it was that got Piper in jail in the first place. It’s a really interesting story line and it’s not something a lot of people would think of – what’s life like in prison? Stay in school kids, because it’s not a fun life.

  1. How I Met Your Mother

Description on Netflix: Ted’s epic search for his soul mate is told largely through flashbacks, as an adult Ted recounts to his kids how he met their mother.

My Description: Ted is this crazy believer in love and finding the right woman for him but he’s essentially obsessed with his best friend Robyn the entire show. Ted goes through multiple women with interesting backgrounds – stalker police woman, baker who leaves her wedding, a divorced woman with a child etc. Eventually Ted finds the right woman but don’t anticipate the ending of the show to meet your expectations; it certainly didn’t meet mine!

Why I like it: After a hard day of class or work, it was really nice to slip into someone else’s life story for a while. Plus it was funny seeing Ted be so ridiculous in his love life. I’m also secretly a sucker for the mushy love story stuff so I liked that aspect of a light hearted story with a romantic spin.

Healthy Summer Snacking

by Malindi Taylor

With berries, fruit, and vegetables being abundant this time of year they are perfect, not only for main meals, but adding them into snacks is a great way of introducing more of them into your daily life.

Vanilla Cherry Yogurt:

Have a sweet tooth? Pit a few dark cherries into a bit of vanilla yogurt and you have an almost dessert like midday tasty snack. I add a bit of Chia and Hemp seeds for a bit more texture and fiber. Some people do not know how to pit a cherry. I say the best way is to half the cherry, leaving the pit on one side, and then using the tip of your knife pop the seed out. This snack is great for post-work out, if you are feeling sore, because cherries reduced muscle inflammation. In fact some marathon runners even drink cherry juice to reduce their soreness after a big run.

Cucumber Goat Cheese Sandwich:

This is an easy and light open-faced sandwich that is great with a cup of tea and easy to make for guests. Mix a bit of goat cheese into some cream cheese along with a little salt and pepper, you can even add a bit of fresh lemon juice if it is to sweet for your liking. Then spread that onto a bit of your favorite bread, which you can toast prior if you want it a bit more crunchy. Slice up a cucumber as thin as you can and layer them on top of your spread. Cucumbers are fantastic source of vitamin B and are great for rehydrating. On a hot summer day, slicing up a cucumber and tossing it in your sandwich, salad, or even in your water can keep you as cool as…well as a cucumber.

Adding berries to your cereal is a quick way of sneaking vitamins into your breakfast. Blueberries are full of antioxidants that can improve your memory, make your heart happy, and last a long time in the freezer without losing their health benefits. Continue to find places where you can add a little bit of health into your summer snacking and you’ll find yourself with more energy to go do all the fun things there are to do in while the weather is nice.