Healthy Summer Snacking

by Malindi Taylor

With berries, fruit, and vegetables being abundant this time of year they are perfect, not only for main meals, but adding them into snacks is a great way of introducing more of them into your daily life.

Vanilla Cherry Yogurt:

Have a sweet tooth? Pit a few dark cherries into a bit of vanilla yogurt and you have an almost dessert like midday tasty snack. I add a bit of Chia and Hemp seeds for a bit more texture and fiber. Some people do not know how to pit a cherry. I say the best way is to half the cherry, leaving the pit on one side, and then using the tip of your knife pop the seed out. This snack is great for post-work out, if you are feeling sore, because cherries reduced muscle inflammation. In fact some marathon runners even drink cherry juice to reduce their soreness after a big run.

Cucumber Goat Cheese Sandwich:

This is an easy and light open-faced sandwich that is great with a cup of tea and easy to make for guests. Mix a bit of goat cheese into some cream cheese along with a little salt and pepper, you can even add a bit of fresh lemon juice if it is to sweet for your liking. Then spread that onto a bit of your favorite bread, which you can toast prior if you want it a bit more crunchy. Slice up a cucumber as thin as you can and layer them on top of your spread. Cucumbers are fantastic source of vitamin B and are great for rehydrating. On a hot summer day, slicing up a cucumber and tossing it in your sandwich, salad, or even in your water can keep you as cool as…well as a cucumber.

Adding berries to your cereal is a quick way of sneaking vitamins into your breakfast. Blueberries are full of antioxidants that can improve your memory, make your heart happy, and last a long time in the freezer without losing their health benefits. Continue to find places where you can add a little bit of health into your summer snacking and you’ll find yourself with more energy to go do all the fun things there are to do in while the weather is nice.

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