
Are all innovation disruptive?

Are all innovation disruptive?

This question was interestingly raised in last class’s tutorial and article illustrates an example of rising innovation that makes use of technology and the business model: service-providing apps.

Apps, such as Instacart, Sprig, Munchery examples of these services that provide the convenience shopping whenever and wherever, expanding virtual shopping to perishable goods such as groceries and meals. Other apps include laundry and mail services. These are flourishing in large American cities such as San Francisco and New York.

These services play on two trending values of the modern consumer: instant gratification, and technology dependency. These apps are easily accessible, meals, groceries, or clean laundry are simply a tap on your smartphone away. Convenience and time can now be purchased with money.



These services may be more disruptive to certain industries that rely on consumer segments who value convenience, and live the fast-paced lifestyle, where time is money. However, as a university student with minimal income and burdensome student debt, convenience isn’t really a commodity that I’m willing to shell out extra bucks for.

Thus, I think industries are only disruptive when a there is an unanimous shift in trends of consumers values. But as for me, I think I’ll stick with grocery shopping in person for now.


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