Blog Post 1 – 341 Firms went Busted due to the disasters

Due to the earthquake and tsunami that hit Japan back in March, 341 firms went busted. These companies were located in Tohoku and Kanto region. From these firms being busted, Japan has ¥612.3 billion (approximately 7.9 billion Canadian Dollars) and 6,376 employees in debt.

I’ve personally heard all the disasters and debt that Japan is going through from Japanese news too.

Following are pictures after a disasters:

From these disasters, not only the Tohoku and Kanto region, but western Japan is also having a business problem. Tohoku and Kanto region has many factories that produce parts for electronic device, power tools, vehicles, etc. Therefore, the factories in western Japan can not produce as many products anymore since all these parts can not be produced and western Japan do not have source to get the parts. Not only factories, but farms are also damaged and Japan can not produce as many fruits, vegetables, etc. as before; therefore, the price for these foods will rise.

Their economy will become even worse because they can not export as many products as before, and even if they do export it, each products’ prices are higher than before disaster occurred.

Click HERE to read the article.

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