Blog Post 2 – New Toyota Aqua Gets 40 km/l – Debuts At Tokyo Motor Show in December

This past many years, we’ve been hearing the words such as  “Green”, “Environmentally Friendly”, etc. due to the global warming. One of the main cause of global warming is all the carbon dioxide produced by automobile. Now in Japan, Toyota has invented new vehicle that is the most frugal hybrid vehicle on global market.

This vehicle is called Toyota Aqua. Aqua will be introduced in Tokyo Motor Show in December and expecting to start selling in January 2012.

From the past, the most frugal hybrid vehicle was also from Toyota, Prius. Prius has the rating of 32km per liter; however, Aqua has the rating of 40km per liter which beats all the frugal hybrid vehicle on global market.

The invention of Toyota Aqua will clearly influence the automobile industry. Also, Toyota has been putting effort into being environmentally friendly and invented many other vehicle such as Prius. I believe these invention will make the world much more environmentally friendly and definitely will lower the amount of carbon dioxide produced a year.

To read the article “New Toyota Aqua Gets 40 km/l – Debuts At Tokyo Motor Show in December”, click HERE. (Information and pictures are provided from this site)

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