Blog Post 3 – McDonald’s may close hundreds of restaurants

McDonald is the world’s largest fast food restaurant through out the world. I am pretty confident to say that everybody has eaten McDonald before, or at least heard of McDonald before. I personally like McDonald since I was little and I still do continue to eat McDonald. Now in Japan, they intend to shut down hundreds of outlets for the following year to increase their profit they’ve lost from the earthquake in March 2011.

Mr. Harada, Chief Executive Officer, said “We want to close a few hundred stores next year and we expect to increase sales the year after that” (Quote taken from the article)

In my opinion, it may be true that it can increase its profit by closing hundreds of outlets. However, the high unemployment rate will increase due to the shut down; which is another problem that Japan is currently going through. High unemployment rate is caused by Japan’s advancement in technology. All the industries require less labor because all the products are produced by machine. By shutting down the outlets, they will have some gains, but also have losses that can lead into serious problem.

Click HERE for the article (Informations and pictures are provided from here)

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1 Response to Blog Post 3 – McDonald’s may close hundreds of restaurants

  1. kazumann1 says:

    I enjoyed reading your article Tsuyoshi, and I feel this problem in reality because the closest McDonald’s shop to my house just closed last June. I had different thoughts for some points raised within the article though, please read my post if you are interested.

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