Blog Post 4 – My Opinion on Annie Luk’s Blog “iPod”

I’ve read through many of my roommates’ blog which many of them were very interesting and I learned a lot from their blog. The blog post that caught my attention the most was Annie Luk’s Blog Post “iPod”. Annie’s blog post caught my attention especially because I also have iPod Touch and I was able to refer to my own personal opinion about iPod, iPad, iPhone, etc.

Annie’s Blog Post “iPod” gives her personal opinion about the article “Should Apple kill the iPod?” that Apple shouldn’t kill all the iPod because it was their most popular device that everybody knows. Instead, they should get rid of the models that are becoming less popular.

I definitely agree with Annie, Apple should not kill all the iPod because iPod is going way beyond the consumers’ expection and it is a wonderful device for consumers to get familiar with Apple product. For example, just as Annie mentioned, iPhone has too many applications and all sorts of extra functions even though the consumer’s only requiring a basic calling and texting plan. Therefore, consumers can’t get familiar with its products; however, iPod is a perfect product that consumers can get to know Apple’s product.

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