Blog Post 10 – Joseph Hong’s Blog “No More Cell Phones While “Driving” in California”

As my second blog post to comment on my other Comm101 classmates, the blog post by Joseph Hong’s “No More Cell Phones While “Driving” in California” caught my attention. As I was reading his blog post, I was very interested in the fact that it is still considered using a cell phones while “driving” even though the vehicle is fully stopped. California court has made a law that it is considered illegal to use cell phone while sitting in a vehicle seats even if the vehicle is moving or stationary.

As Joseph mentioned in his blog post, I definitely agree to that fact that cell phone has many application and functions that can distract people right away. People have to make sure they don’t use their cell phones while driving unless their cell phones are designed specifically so it’s allow hand free function.

To add on to his blog post, I would like to make a comment that many people still use their cell phone knowing that it’s illegal and their cell phones aren’t designed to allow hand free function. This can leads to the car accident and increase the rates of people dying from the car accidents.

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