Category Archives: Uncategorized

Blog Post 10 – Joseph Hong’s Blog “No More Cell Phones While “Driving” in California”

As my second blog post to comment on my other Comm101 classmates, the blog post by Joseph Hong’s “No More Cell Phones While “Driving” in California” caught my attention. As I was reading his blog post, I was very interested … Continue reading

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Blog Post 9 – High yen, EU debt crisis crimp exports

Japan’s economic continues to go downward ever since the earthquake back in March. Even before the earthquake, Japan’s economic was not great. Japan was a large market as exporter for food and energy; however, yen is very high right now … Continue reading

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Blog Post 8 – External Blog “Retirement”

The external business blog that caught my interest was the blog “Retirement” by BusinessBlogger. This blog explains about how seniors these days have variety of choices after their retirement. The majority of the seniors make a huge changes after their … Continue reading

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Blog Post 7 – Company to be Entrepreneurial; Toshi Landscaping Ltd.

The company that I consider that to be entrepreneurial is Toshi Landscaping Ltd. which is a Japanese garden landscaping company owned by my father, Toshihiro Hamanaka. Toshi Landscaping started in 1997, Toshihiro’s first intention was to bring in Japanese culture … Continue reading

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Blog Post 6 – Late-night eateries ripe for robbery

There are variety of restaurants that are open 24/7 in Japan for late night workers. Recently, those restaurants are becoming a target of robbery at night. Although, there are lots of restaurants in Japan that open late at night, “Gyudon” … Continue reading

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Blog Post 5 – Evergreen Line construction could start ‘very soon’

As many people who live in Lower Mainland know that Translink was in-progress of new project, “New Skytrain Evergreen Line”. Evergreen line is planned to run a skytrain from Lougheed Town Centre in Burnaby to Coquitlam Town Centre via Port … Continue reading

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Blog Post 4 – My Opinion on Annie Luk’s Blog “iPod”

I’ve read through many of my roommates’ blog which many of them were very interesting and I learned a lot from their blog. The blog post that caught my attention the most was Annie Luk’s Blog Post “iPod”. Annie’s blog … Continue reading

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Blog Post 3 – McDonald’s may close hundreds of restaurants

McDonald is the world’s largest fast food restaurant through out the world. I am pretty confident to say that everybody has eaten McDonald before, or at least heard of McDonald before. I personally like McDonald since I was little and … Continue reading

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Blog Post 2 – New Toyota Aqua Gets 40 km/l – Debuts At Tokyo Motor Show in December

This past many years, we’ve been hearing the words such as  “Green”, “Environmentally Friendly”, etc. due to the global warming. One of the main cause of global warming is all the carbon dioxide produced by automobile. Now in Japan, Toyota … Continue reading

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Blog Post 1 – 341 Firms went Busted due to the disasters

Due to the earthquake and tsunami that hit Japan back in March, 341 firms went busted. These companies were located in Tohoku and Kanto region. From these firms being busted, Japan has ¥612.3 billion (approximately 7.9 billion Canadian Dollars) and … Continue reading

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