Canada and rising entrepreneurs.

When you think entepreneur, typically few people come to mind and it seems like a daunting task that only a select group of people can achieve. So when I read in the Globe and Mail’s article “More Canadians abandoning traditional work,” I was a little stunned at the amount of Canadians who have started their own business ventures. The article states that 15% of the labor-force in Canada is self employed and that a research in June showed that half a million Canadians have reportedly started their own businesses in the past few years. I guess with the rate at which technology and social media is increasing, it only makes sense that the number of entrepreneurs would grow along with it. With such technology at hand, it makes starting a new business so much easier, as you have all the resources needed at the click of a button. How to start a business, where to start a business, and the marketing of it all can be done online as well. Other factors that influence the rate of growth of entrepreneurs would be the age of the work-force; the “over 50” crowd takes up 30% of the current workforce. This percentage is experienced in the field that they work in and therefore have a better chance of starting and sustaining a successful business venture. With this being said, since the rate of entrepreneurs is growing so rapidly.. what will this mean for the non self-employed percentage of the work force? As time goes on and more students/people are educated in the fields of business and entrepreneurship, will it change the way in which business as a whole operates in society? Of course, not all business ventures are successful and many of them fail, but if a substantial amount of the workforce leaves to start their own businesses.. will that create an excess amount of employment in the country? This is a question worth pondering……


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