Learning Technologies: Design and Application

21st Century Teaching

May 16th, 2011 · No Comments

As a professional educator I find it my duty to do my best have my students engage themselves with the content that they are trying to learn.  I find students learn best when they are inspired and motivated to learn, with some of the equipment and affordances of modern day learning technologies that is easily achieved, but it does take a bit of time to familiarize yourself with the capabilities of different types of technology.

It was one of my hopes when taking this course that I would spend some time familiarizing myself with some of the different options available for incorporating technology into my classroom, so that when it comes time to actually use it I will be ready as an experienced professional to engage my students.

Considering the possibilities of 21st century learning I feel teachers have a duty to ensure students are ready to become productive members of the increasingly digitally capable workforce. Advocating the proper ethical use of digital information is a relatively new duty that we need to we need to emphasize in today’s classrooms.

With the increasing movement toward globalisation students would be best served by having an understanding of the various communication options available and encouraged to develop relationships with peers in a digital context. I hope to explore new options for making that a reality through my studies in this course.

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