Learning Technologies: Design and Application


A moodle reflection
Assessment is something that we as teachers do in order to measure student learning. Moodle is a LMS system that allows
instructors use for assessing and there are a variety of ways that can be completed. One option is the creation of a quiz.
I was surprised to find the ease in which the quiz could be created.  With pre-programmed options for different types of questions there were certainly enough choices to create variety options for answers.  The program however in other respects I found to be somewhat cumbersome.  It was at times slow to respond and even froze when link were selected during the quiz set up stage.  Also the numbering and password protected mode was set inadvertently.  However after considering why the password might be a useful tool it can be appreciated as an option to ensure certain students only gain access to the quiz.  The opportunity for students to receive immediate feedback on many of the questions is a welcome option and supports the framework outlined by Gibbs and Simpson (2005) which outlines when assessment supports students learning, however there was some confusion as to the difference between the fields indicated as immediate
feedback and overall feedback.  After some time I found how to add images using the add resources tab but I would have preferred to be able to upload an image directly to the quiz page rather than have to send it to an outside folder, on a different page and then backtrack to the
quiz page to upload it.  I found adding the timer, auto-assessment, and feedback relatively effortless and was impressed with some of the ways that Moodle can analyze and present results particularly with the Item Analysis Table and the overview of quiz results shown
individually. The use of this kind of technology can only improve student learning by providing quick feedback to students
learners and help the teacher diagnose student needs.  Overall I find that considering I have little experience with creating
moodle activities and with the ease I believe I created a useful assessment tool, I would incorporate a quiz in a Moodle site under most circumstances.  The opportunities for supporting student learning are clear, immediate feedback  and chances for repeating the quizzes in order for students to act upon the feedback.
Gibbs, G. and Simpson, C. (2005).  “Conditions under which assessment supports students’ learning.” Learning and Teaching in Higher Education Accessed online 11 March 2009 http://www.open.ac.uk/fast/pdfs/Gibbs%20and%20Simpson%202004-05.pdf

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