Shopping- Men and Women

Posted by: | November 9, 2010 | Leave a Comment

Referring to Lin Xin’s blog It is very true that men and women shop differently. The summary of her post is that men tend to shop for for convenience goods/services while women tend to be shopping for goods/services despite the product sought being similar. One good can be different type of goods for consumers?  This is because the difference in perception. Men don’t think a lot before buying a product while women do.

The above indicates what most people would think. However, that is not very true. It depends on people although such stereotyping tends to be true. Probably for things like clothes etc, men don’t really care and they just go to buy the clothes they want. This is probably due to how they value the products. Different products have different value to people. People who valued it more will be towards shopping goods/services while people who value it less would regard it as convenience goods.

Sometimes, it is also due to the social factors. In Lin Xin’s blog, she mentioned that his housemate is reluctant to carry the groceries because it looks ‘unmanly. The typical perception in the society is that women do all the housework while men work outside. I once studied in SOCI 100 and this is prevalent in many societies. However, the trend are starting to change although not obvious. Men started to do some housework. It is also one of the elements in macro environment,  Social in CDSTEP.

Well, for me, my friends and I shop for groceries. We even bought a trolley to carry more groceries. Sound so housewife right? But no choice as trolley is definitely more convenient than carrying by hand. (I couldn’t care more about it as I can save more through cooking myself and the food definitely tastes better than outside! Haha.


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