Marissa Bird – BSN (’14)

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“It takes a whole team to put a student through nursing school.”

Marissa Bird, BSN ’14, is this year’s winner of the Janet Gormick Memorial Scholarship in Nursing. The award is given to a student who shows outstanding promise in nursing practice. Marissa has now graduated from the BSN program and is ready to embark on her career in Nursing. We had the opportunity to chat with her and share her experiences in the BSN program.

What does it mean to you to be recognized as a scholarship recipient?
I am hugely honoured. It is such a privilege to be recognized with this award, as I know that Janet was someone who contributed a lot to the nursing community at UBC and whose memory is very dear to everyone here.

How has this scholarship affected your experience as a nursing student?
Along with the financial contribution, the vote of confidence on behalf of the School of Nursing in nominating me for this award is a huge inspiration. With the rising costs of post-secondary education, scholarships such as this one make it possible to fully commit to being a nursing student, which is incredibly valuable.

What can be the consequences of not having financial stability as a student during this BSN program?
The UBC BSN program is a condensed and incredibly intense experience. With so many important things to concentrate on, having the added anxiety of financial instability can be extremely stressful for students.

What are your career and/or educational plans following graduation from the BSN program?
After graduating from the BSN program, I plan to pursue my passion of pediatric nursing. I find this population to be incredibly inspiring, challenging and fun, and look forward to learning and working with them for years to come.

If you had a message for those who are considering donating to support nursing students, what would that be?
These days, it takes a whole team of people to put a student through nursing school. From the incredible support of family and friends, to our inspiring faculty, to people who generously contribute to our academic success – you cannot be thanked enough.

If you had a message for those responsible for your scholarship, what would that be?
Thank you! It is something very special to be honoured with a scholarship such as this one, and I am incredibly grateful.