Alumni & Partnership Awards Gala
May 4, 2017
Each year the School of Nursing sends out a call to our friends and colleagues to nominate our alumni and partners for recognition of their achievements in or beneficence to the field of nursing at home and abroad. Our annual Gala is our opportunity to thank and to celebrate with five awards, tasty food and drink, great music, and lively conversation.
Shelagh Smith – seen above with other award winners and at right with her family – received the 2017 Donor Partnership Award for her many generous commitments to our school.
Our education programs are intensive and rigorous. Our students meet with challenges of balancing their studies, work, volunteer commitments and family responsibilities. It is not an exaggeration to say that without the support of donors, some of our students might not have anywhere to turn for resources to continue their nursing studies. Thankfully, donors such as Shelagh have chosen to support our students because they believe that nursing students have much to give the world.
Shelagh is a double alumna of the School having received her BSN in 1950 and then returning to earn her MSN more than thirty years later in 1982. Following her master’s degree, Shelagh continued her close connection with our School by becoming a senior nursing instructor with us for a number of years. Shelagh remains a highly engaged alumna and emerita and is an active participant at a variety of UBC and School of Nursing events and activities.
For many years, Shelagh generously supported a variety of nursing scholarships and funds at the School, and in 2014, she established the Shelagh J Smith Award for Mature Students in Nursing – supporting undergraduate students so that they need not compromise their academic excellence due to financial need.
Shelagh often shares with us the meaningful visits and conversations she enjoys with the student recipients of her award. We are truly honoured by Shelagh’s commitment to the School and to our nursing students – by her participation, her support, and through the establishment of her student award.

Presenters and Award Winners clockwise from the left: Dr Richard Sawatzky from Trinity Western University presented the Alumni Recognition Award to Patrica Porterfield, who could not be present at the Gala; Dr Maura MacPhee presented the Young Alumni Award, and accepted on behalf of Stephanie Ngo who was working abroad; Dr Rosalie Starzomski received the Alumni Award of Distinction from Dr Paddy Rodney; Cathy Ebbehoj presided on behalf of the Alumni Engagement Committee; Shelagh Smith stands next to Kevin McCort; and Dr Suzanne Campbell served as Master of Ceremonies.
The recipient of the 2017 UBC School of Nursing Community Partnership Award in 2017 is the Vancouver Foundation represented by Mr Kevin McCort, CEO of the Foundation.
Vancouver Foundation’s vision for “healthy, vibrant and livable communities” complements UBC’s vision to “support outstanding research to serve the people of BC.” The Foundation’s vision also beautifully aligns with our School of Nursing’s vision for “excellence in leading edge nursing education, research, and practice in an exceptional learning environment.”
We are grateful to Vancouver Foundation for its longstanding support and friendship with our university and our school for more than 60 years. Vancouver Foundation is UBC’s largest non-government funder and we are honoured to share many mutual donors, volunteers and champions who are passionate about making meaningful and lasting impacts across our community. We appreciate Vancouver Foundation’s loyal partnership and enduring generosity in providing millions of dollars to enable and enhance the cutting-edge research of UBC faculty members, many of whom are with the School of Nursing.
Vancouver Foundation’s support of our nursing research continues to enhance the lives and health of people across our shared communities, and we are pleased to recognize them with this award.