
Anti-Racism Task Force

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Natalie Chambers On the heels of a global flashpoint due to anti-Black, anti-Asian, and anti-Indigenous racism, awareness heightened about the systemic racism seemingly embedded in the fabric of our society. Under the leadership of the School of Nursing’s Director, the executive leadership team committed to taking a stand by condemning the structural racism and violence enacted by those in positions of public service, including in law enforcement, in health care, and in universities. Besides, the Canadian Nursing Code of Ethics challenges nurses to “improve systems and societal structures to create…read more


Widening Circles

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New Indigenous Advisory Circle The School of Nursing Indigenous Cultural Safety Strategic Initiatives Committee (ICSSI), co-chaired by Dr. Margaret Moss and Dr. Helen Brown, invited several participants within and beyond the School of Nursing to join UBC Nursing’s first Indigenous Advisory Circle (IAC). The IAC will work with ICSSI to advise across curricula, academic programs, research, faculty learning and external partnerships. The Circle includes a nursing leader in First Nations Health, three Indigenous graduate students, one MSN-NP UBC Alumni, and four Elders who have long-standing and new relationships with our…read more


Addressing Racism

Posted by in 2020 Year of the Nurse and Midwife

A Timeline MAY 25     Global protests erupt, supporting the Black Lives Matter movement and spotlighting systemic racism particularly in law enforcement, health care, and academia. JUNE 8      Director Elizabeth Saewyc releases a Statement Against Racism on behalf of the School. JUNE          Members of the School of Nursing convene a town hall to discuss anti-racism. The Anti-Racism Task Force (ARTF) is created OCT/NOV   The ARTF organizes several deep discussion groups to address key questions and follows up with facilitators to begin developing a report and recommendations. NOV 30     In Plain Sight:…read more


Director’s Message

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When the editorial team began planning this issue of Touchpoints, the pandemic was in the early days of the emergency, and we were busy coordinating our response to it. We assumed that this issue would be dedicated to the crisis, underscoring the importance of nurses and their recommendations, especially in public health and long-term care. Indeed, the school’s response to the COVID-19 crisis is something to be proud of. We moved staff, faculty, students, and research teams into work-from-home status in a matter of days, and classes resumed online in…read more


Nursing Alumni

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July 7, 2020 | The School’s Nursing Alumni committee (formerly the AEC) met online to finalize its terms of reference, to catch up with two alumni guest speakers, and to say farewell to co-Chairs, Kathy O’Flynn-Magee, who retired in November, and Cathy Ebbehoj who is opening up space for some new folks to join in. Also resigning her post is Marion Clausen, who has served for many years on the committee. Their tireless work and dedication will be missed. We are pleased to announce that Leanne Currie is stepping in…read more


Our Hopes for the Future: Neda Hamzavi, Racism, and Whiteness in Nursing

Posted by in 2020 Year of the Nurse and Midwife, Student STory

By Colleen Varcoe At this moment in a history of intense racism and racist violence, Neda Hamzavi’s scholarship promises to offer direction for nursing to tackle the Eurocentrism that dominates nursing. Neda, a master’s student in the MSN/MPH program in the School of Nursing felt the impact of that dominance as soon as she entered the school. “It was a visceral reaction. I felt shocked and out of place. As soon as I got off the elevator, I saw the pictures of all the past directors of the School of…read more

Minding History

Posted by in 2020 Year of the Nurse and Midwife

ABOVE: January 24, 2020 | Members of the succession planning team of the BC History of Nursing Society (BCHNS) Geertje Boschma and Francis Mansbridge observe as Nan Martin and Krisztina Laszlo sign an agreement to transfer the BCHNS archives to UBC Library’s Rare Books and Collections Nursing History is being made at this very moment in time! The World Health Organization proclaimed 2020 the Year of the Nurse and Midwife. What a year to recognize nurses in this time of global pandemic! Did you know that the BC History of…read more

It Is Yours: Spring Graduation of the Nursing Class of 2020

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Back to Table of Contents UBC’s 2020 Convocation took place on June 17, online, with messages from many dignitaries including President and Vice-Chancellor of UBC Dr. Santa Ono, Chancellor Lindsay Graham, Prime Minister Justin Trudeau, BC’s Minister of Advanced Education and Training Melanie Mark, and the deans of all the faculties, including our own Dean James Olson. The keynote address was delivered by Honorary Degree holder Dr. Rick Mercer, comedian and television personality. If you missed it, you can still watch the recording of UBC’s virtual celebration online. Following the…read more

Tuum Est: The Fall Convocation of Graduate Students of Nursing 2020

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Back to Table of Contents Following the model initiated in the spring, the School of Nursing hosted an online Graduation Reception for graduate programs: MSN, MN-NP, MPH/MSN and PhD. The celebration took place on Wednesday, November 25, 2020, immediately prior to the official UBC Graduation Ceremony, which was also held online. We heartily congratulate all our graduates of 2020, and particularly our award recipients. 2020 Awards The following students received recognition for these awards during the fall convocation. Please CLICK for the awards presented during the spring convocation.  

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