Building and Being Health Leaders

Posted by in 2020 Year of the Nurse and Midwife

2020 Symposium

Embodying the theme of this year’s Graduate Student Nurses Association (GSNA) Symposium, the organizers of the 2020 event took the annual symposium online for the first time, with great success.

The Building and Being Health Leaders morning panel featured Dr. Barb Astle, Dr. Laura Housden, Dr. Cecilia Jevitt, and PhD student Wil Harding. Dr. Elizabeth Saewyc moderated and facilitated a question period. Keynote speakers were Agnes Black of Providence Health Care’s Professional Practice Office, and Emma Garrod, a Clinical Nurse Educator who recently completed her Master’s degree at UBC, and who currently directs the BC Centre on Substance Use Addiction Nursing Fellowship.

During the afternoon session, graduate students presented their research in several “virtual rooms” set up to facilitate discussion.

Visit for the full program.

Members of the GSNA

Will Harding | President | 3rd Year PhD

Caroline Frankfurter | Vice-President | 1st Year MSN

Marta Sadkowski | Communications Officer | 1st Year NP

Tracy Leung | Administration Officer | 1st Year MSN

Ismália De Sousa | Scientific Director | 1st Year PhD

Sample Presentations

Abosede C. Ojerinde | Cervical Cancer Screening Uptake and Experiences of Black African Immigrant Women in the Context of a Comprehensive Provincial Screening Program in BC Canada

Noreen Malhi | Male Perpetration of Adolescent Dating Violence: A Scoping Review

Michael Gosal | Emergency Department Overcrowding

Chantal Peterson | Assessing Health Inequities and Associated Health Outcomes in Refugee Women in the Prenatal Period in Canada: A Scoping Review

Maira DellaRosa | Deprescribing in Older Adults with Polypharmacy in Primary Care: Evaluating the Current Practices and Development of a Decision Support Tool for Nurse Practitioners

Nav Dhillon | Bridging Barriers to Cervical Cancer Screening in Transgender Men: A Scoping Review

Janette Liang | Infant Feeding Practices: Mode of feeding and associations with infant health outcomes

Jen Demedeiros | Fertility Preservation in the Transgender and Non-Binary Population

Priya Bains | Screening Older Adult Men for Abdominal Aortic Aneurysm: A Scoping Review

Monika Slazkiewicz | Improving Outcomes for Patients with Delirium after Cardiac Surgery: Review of Current Literature and Recommendations for Nurse Practitioners

Dustin Gopez | E-cigarette or Vaping Product Use-Associated Lung Injury (EVALI): A Scoping Review

Alyssa Laserson | HPV Vaccine and College Age Men: A Scoping Review

Trevor Goodyear | Critical health leadership in the context of substance use: (Re)politicizing harm reduction through poststructuralist and nomadic thinking

Raheesa Jina | Navigating the Unforeseen Challenges of COVID-19 in Long Term Care

Ashley DaCosta | Strategies to improve nurses’ transition from the bedside to nursing leadership positions