
“Throughout history, Canada’s frontline nurses have always been highly trained, skilled, respected and compassionate.”

Posted by in 2013 Fall/Winter

For someone who describes herself as having an “endless desire to learn”, nursing has provided Susan Shumay the ideal mix of challenge and reward. After years of practice as a registered nurse, including work for the federal government in northern outposts in the Yukon, Baffin Island, and Saskatchewan, Shumay completed a master’s degree to become a Nurse Practitioner. For 20 years she has been employed by the BC Women’s Sexual Assault Service (based at Vancouver General Hospital), and has worked at the Pine Community Health Clinic in Kitsilano, a clinic…read more

Improving Health Outcomes for Youth Moving to Adult Care

Posted by in 2013 Fall/Winter

An unexpected turn in Melissa Moynihan’s life marked the starting point of a new phase in her nursing career. Moynihan (MSN ‘13), was injured in a car accident, making a return to working in acute care challenging. Completing a graduate degree had always been a goal, and Moynihan applied to the MSN program at UBC. For her master’s thesis, Moynihan helped revise and validate a questionnaire for youth with special health care needs titled “Am I ONTRAC for Adult Care?” (TRAC is an acronym for Transitioning Responsibly to Adult Care)….read more


When Health Care Meets The Law

Posted by in 2013 Fall/Winter

Study Looks at Integration of Health Care and Legal Service Providers Listening to UBC Nursing Professor Judy Lynam (MSN ‘82) talk about community-based health research and inner city communities, it’s easy for even the non expert to see the following: providing primary health care can’t be separated from social and material circumstances in which children and their families live. With that in mind, Dr. Lynam’s current focus is examining how structural violence and the legal system play a role in the health of children and their families, particularly in communities…read more


Strengthening Primary Health Care

Posted by in 2013 Fall/Winter

Research Team Wins Innovation Grant A UBC research team, co-led by Sabrina Wong (BSN ‘92), Associate Professor in the UBC School of Nursing and Assistant Prof. Kim McGrail, in the School of Population and Public Health, received a $2.4 million grant, co-funded with $1.9 million from the Canadian Institutes of Health Research (CIHR) and $500,000 from the Michael Smith Foundation for Health Research (MSFHR). “Primary health care is where most people first come into contact with the health system, and where many health problems are managed or resolved,” said Wong….read more

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