
B. Ann Hilton Fellowship

Posted by in 2021 Fall/Winter

Alumnus helps students just as she was helped Ann Hilton is just putting the finishing touches on a watercolour painting. A professor emeritus from the UBC School of Nursing, Ann has turned her former hobby of watercolour painting into a second career, mounting exhibitions and accepting commissions. Ann’s new career is in contrast to her past life as a professor in the UBC School of Nursing, where she started in 1974. Becoming faculty at UBC was a homecoming of sorts, as she had graduated from the School of Nursing in…read more

The History of Critical Scholarship in the School of Nursing

Posted by in 2021 Fall/Winter

Joan Anderson: One of UBC’s “Treasures” Dr. Joan Anderson’s life’s work catalyzed the ‘critical’ turn in nursing scholarship. The UBC School of Nursing’s international reputation as a hub for excellence in critically-oriented research and scholarship is directly attributable to Dr. Anderson’s trailblazing research program, and her sustained commitment to the highest quality of doctoral-level training for the next generation of nursing and health researchers. Dr. Anderson completed her PhD in Sociology in 1981, having attained an MSN at UBC and a BN at McGill University. A member of the UBC…read more

Special Recognition

Posted by in 2021 Fall/Winter

The accolades keep coming! We are so proud of our students, post-docs, adjuncts, research partners, honorary professors, alumni and other colleagues who do such amazing work. A few have been recognized over the past few months, and this is just a sample of the scope and variety of their achievement. Congratulations to all! Elizabeth Straus, Doctoral student, has received a Killam Teaching Assistant Award. Dr. Tara Horrill, a Michael Smith Foundation Health Research (MSFHR) Trainee awardee, is working with supervisor Dr. Annette Browne on: Identifying organizational and contextual factors impacting…read more



Posted by in 2021 Fall/Winter

Elisabeth Bailey | Assistant Professor of Teaching | Received the Excellence in Nursing Education award from the Nurses & Nurse Practitioners of BC (NNPBC). Recipient of the 2021 APSC Dean’s Award of Excellence. Jennifer Baumbusch | Associate Professor and CIHR Chair in Sex and Gender Science | Fellow of the American Association of Nursing and received a Legacy 2020 Centenary Award of Distinction from her alma mater, Arthur Labatt Family School of Nursing. Suzanne H. Campbell | Professor | Named Fellow of the Canadian Nurse Educator Institute (CNEI) from the…read more


…and Nurses’ Uniforms

Posted by in 2021 Fall/Winter

A Virtual Fashion Show The BC History of Nursing Society’s Margaret Scaia, Sheila Rankin Zerr and Lenore Radom presented a slideshow of nurses’ uniforms. Almost all were from Ms. Rankin-Zerr’s collection, some of which are shown below. Her study of attire worn by nurses reveals a great deal, not only about their struggle for professional status and recognition, but also about their roles within contemporary society, and about their independence. This presentation forms part of the 2021 Nursing History Symposium video. Jeanne Mance, born 1606, was founder of the first…read more


Nursing Artifacts …

Posted by in 2021 Fall/Winter

Preserving Nurses’ Cultural History In honour of the BC History of Nursing Society’s 30th Anniversary, the UBC Nursing History Consortium with UBC-V Nursing and the BC History of Nursing Society welcomed over 70 attendees to the annual (virtual) History Symposium. Kathy Murphy, President of the BCHNS and Geertje Boschma, Professor, UBC School of Nursing, gave the opening remarks and introduced Christina “Tina” Bates, former curator of the Canadian Museum of History in Ottawa. In her keynote address, Nursing History Embodied: Collecting and Researching a Uniform Collection, Ms. Bates presented selections…read more

2021 Symposium

Posted by in 2021 Fall/Winter

Following the Marion Woodward keynote lecture, Dr. Wilson joined a panel discussion with invited panelists Tania Dick, UBC Nursing’s newly appointed Nursing Indigenous Lead, and Chloe Crosschild, UBC Nursing PhD trainee and Assistant Professor at the University of Lethbridge. The panel was moderated by UBC Nursing assistant professor, Dr. Saima Hirani. “I think there are some ways that we can start to shift the way in which we do things which then starts shifting the climate about what’s acceptable and what’s not acceptable about talking, about racism, and how people…read more



Posted by in 2021 Fall/Winter

Transforming the rhetoric, racism, and realities for Indigenous peoples: Disrupting nurses’ thinking and practice The UBC School of Nursing virtually hosted Professor Denise Wilson on November 4, 2021, as the keynote speaker for the 53rd annual Marion Woodward Lecture. Dr. Wilson is a professor in Māori Health, Associate Dean of Māori Advancement in the Faculty of Health and Environmental Sciences, and Co Director of Auckland University of Technology’s Taupua Waiora Māori Research Centre. She is also a New Zealand registered nurse with intensive care, coronary care, acute medicine, and community…read more

Student Stories

Posted by in 2021 Fall/Winter

Tamasha Hussein Opens a Narrow Door Tamasha Hussein is a student at the UBC School of Nursing and is a new permanent resident of Canada. Both roles have been granted to her courtesy of her own hard work, determination, and World University Services Canada (WUSC). When she was only six, Tamasha’s family had to flee from the Democratic Republic of Congo because of ongoing conflicts there. They settled into life in the Dzaleka Refugee Camp in Malawi where Tamasha grew up over the next twelve years. Opportunities to leave are…read more

Innovation and Adaptability in Healthcare

Posted by in 2021 Fall/Winter

GSNA Symposium 2021 This year’s Graduate Students in Nursing Association (GSNA) Symposium took place online on October 15, 2021. GSNA President, Abdul-Fatawuy Abdulai opened the event with a welcome and introduction of a panel discussion. The discussion was moderated by Dr. Elizabeth Saewyc, who was joined by panelists Dr. Manon Ranger, Dr. Margaret Moss, Dr. Lillian Hung, Dr. Kristen Haase, and Mr. Abdulai. The panel discussion focussed on innovation in nursing. Dr. Hung and Mr. Abdulai explained how innovation in technology transforms some nursing care. Dr. Haase considered how innovation…read more


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