Enhancing CV Nursing Research at UBC

Posted by in 2017 Fall/Winter

Sandra Lauck Accepts St Paul’s Hospital and Heart & Stroke Foundation Professorship in Cardiovascular Nursing at UBC

The UBC School of Nursing, in partnership with St Paul’s Hospital, is proud to announce that Dr Sandra Lauck has been selected to hold the St Paul’s Hospital and Heart & Stroke Foundation Professorship in Cardiovascular Nursing at UBC. This professorship will advance nursing research and education collaboration between university and hospital, to enhance cardiovascular nursing care at St Paul’s and across Canada.

As a clinical assistant professor in the UBC School of Nursing, and a clinical nurse specialist for the internationally-renowned transcatheter heart valve program at St Paul’s Hospital, Dr Lauck has co-led an integrated multi-disciplinary care team.

Her pioneering clinical work and research with this team continues to transform heart valve disease management. Dr Lauck has had many roles as a clinical nurse specialist in cardiovascular nursing care at both St Paul’s Hospital and Vancouver General Hospital, and she was Clinical Director for Cardiac Services BC from 2011 to 2016. Thus, Dr Lauck brings a breadth and depth of knowledge to guide provincial and national cardiovascular nursing practice.

“I am a very proud ambassador of the excellence of the UBC School of Nursing. It is an honour to be named to this position,” Sandra says. She views this as a once in a lifetime chance to work simultaneously for both UBC and St Paul’s Hospital, the two influences that have fostered her growth as a clinical nurse specialist.

Dr Lauck graduated with a BA in Political Science from UBC before she went on to complete a diploma in nursing at Vancouver Community College, and then a diploma in critical care nursing at BCIT. She completed her formal education at UBC School of Nursing with a Master of Science in Nursing and then her PhD. She has been one of our School of Nursing clinician scientists since 2014.

The professorship builds on UBC’s strong history of cardiovascular nursing education and bridges it with St Paul’s Hospital’s world-renowned leadership in cardiovascular practice and innovation. It will serve as a dedicated hub to support cardiovascular nursing research within clinical practice, and help ensure future generations of nurses receive leading-edge practice education that improves cardiovascular health outcomes.

On Thursday, November 2, 2017, the UBC School of Nursing and St. Paul’s Foundation were delighted to co-host a celebratory reception to recognize and thank the Heart & Stroke Foundation and other generous donors and project champions who contributed to raising $1,000,000 to make this vision a reality