Man-Up Against Suicide

Posted by in 2016 Fall/Winter

Man-Up Against Suicide is a research project aimed at breaking silences and stimulating conversation on the issue of men’s depression and suicide. We collected photos and narratives from 60 Canadian men and women who had been affected by a man’s suicide and put them on display in exhibitions that were shown across the country. Included also were photographs and stories of men who had previously thought about killing themselves. These exhibits had a powerful impact on those who viewed them, providing space and inspiration for people to share their own stories.

From these photographs we have published a photo book. Stay is a selection of these images. To find out more or to order your copy, visit

The next phase of our project will be exploring how depression and suicide affect partners of the same gender, and particularly how queer men are disproportionately affected. To participate or learn more about the project:

604-822-7638 | |