Nursing Alumni

Kathy O’Flynn-Magee, Leanne Currie, Cathy Ebbehoj, Heather Swallow, Ben Fischer (member & guest speaker), Erneida de Guzman, Kris Gustavson, Gillian McKay (guest speaker), Marion Clausen, & Zach Daly.
July 7, 2020 | The School’s Nursing Alumni committee (formerly the AEC) met online to finalize its terms of reference, to catch up with two alumni guest speakers, and to say farewell to co-Chairs, Kathy O’Flynn-Magee, who retired in November, and Cathy Ebbehoj who is opening up space for some new folks to join in. Also resigning her post is Marion Clausen, who has served for many years on the committee. Their tireless work and dedication will be missed. We are pleased to announce that Leanne Currie is stepping in as co-chair.
Are you interested in planning fun events and opportunities to recognize the great work of our alumni? We are looking for more members, especially an alumnus to join Leanne as co-chair.