
Black (In)Visibility:

Posted by in 2021 Spring/Summer

Black Nurses in Canada Who Paved the Way Nursing History Symposium Celebrates Black History Month Doctoral student Ismalia De Sousa played a significant role in creating the conditions that led to the nursing history seminar presented in February. A year before, Ismalia and another doctoral student, Eunice Bawafaa, wrote an article entitled: “Black History Month: A Recognition of Black Nurses’ Contributions to Healthcare in Canada and the World”, exposing the reality that this was the first time anyone at the school had formally observed Black History Month. Curious about the…read more

History of Nursing Symposium 2019

Posted by in 2019 Spring/Summer

Back to Table of Contents History of Nursing Symposium 2019 100 Years of University Nursing Education at UBC Looking Back and Looking Forward   “Do you think we can rest satisfied with what we have? It is good, yes, but not good enough. Now what are we nurses going to do about it?” This is the question posed in 1919 by UBC School of Nursing’s first Director Ethel Johns in an address to staff and pupils at Vancouver General Hospital. Dr Susan Duncan, Professor and Director at the University of…read more


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