Taline Round

Posted by in 2016 Fall/Winter

BSN Candidate 2017

I graduated with a degree in Kinesiology from Simon Fraser University and worked a variety of jobs until I found myself in a full-time career working in Occupational Rehabilitation. I really enjoyed helping clients rehabilitate injuries, as well as being a part of the team that assisted with a client’s return to work and activities of daily living.

As much as I enjoyed my work, I had an innate desire to do more. I watched clients struggle with anxiety, depression, chronic pain and post-traumatic stress disorder after suffering severe injuries. Although I was skilled in rehabilitation, I could be better-equipped to help people in a more holistic way. I also wanted to take on a leadership/mentorship position in the future. I had moved as far as I wanted to go in this line of work.

After some research, mentorship, and soul-searching, I applied for the BSN program at UBC. After a day shadowing a Clinical Nurse Specialist working in palliative care, I decided nursing would suit my personality and would equip me with the skills to fulfill my desire to help people. I hope to match the grace, compassion, and strong leadership skills that I observed that day. I was elated to find out in 2015 that I had been accepted into the UBC School of Nursing.

My road towards the completion of my degree has not been without its difficulties. My very first rotation on an acute medicine floor really opened my eyes to the challenges of nursing. It was tough being in a place where I needed do so much, but couldn’t help enough due to my lack of knowledge, skills, and abilities. There were times when I really battled with anxiety. Despite my struggles, I was well-supported. I was so fortunate to have an excellent clinical instructor, and the faculty have been so encouraging and supportive. I soon realized that I was working with a vulnerable population, and that I needed to take care of myself physically, mentally, and emotionally outside of clinical time so that I could maximize my learning opportunities and provide the best care. I make my mental health and wellness a priority now. I am in a better headspace and am much more confident in my abilities. Although I am still new to nursing, I have learned I have so much to give.

“I soon realized that I was working with a vulnerable population, and that I needed to take care of myself physically, mentally, and emotionally.”

Over time my passion for nursing has grown. This career path is really made for me. I am much better equipped to provide care safely, confidently and compassionately. I now see nursing as a beautiful and selfless way to serve others. Although I am uncertain of what my future may hold, I have discovered a passion to pursue a career in Mental Health. I also love working with children, and I believe Pediatric Nursing will have a place in my future.

As a UBC Nursing Student Research Award recipient, I have been working over the summer on research projects with Dr. Maura MacPhee, Associate Director of the Undergraduate Program. I have also been recently accepted for an Employed Student Nursing position in Medical Oncology, and I plan to volunteer in a mental health-related field in the fall. I am so grateful for all of the wonderful opportunities that have been made available to me as a student nurse. I look forward to having a career that is dynamic, engaging, and full of opportunity.