Zachary Daly

Posted by in 2016 Fall/Winter

BSN Candidate 2017

It took me a little while to come to nursing, and now that I have, I am incredibly happy with the choice. I first did an undergraduate degree in Agriculture, with a minor in Mathematics. After this I worked for some time in the agricultural sector, both as a farmhand in Ontario and British Columbia, as well as by working on research related to the pollination services provided by wild and domestic bees.

I wanted to continue my schooling, and so enrolled at UBC to undertake a Masters of Science in Integrated Studies in Land and Food Systems. I specialized in nutrition in the international context, and my research took me to Northern Zambia. There I studied anaemia in order to better understand the regional etiology, and so hopefully inform future nutrition interventions to tackle the issue.

As part of my field work, I realized that I wanted to have the knowledge and skills to assist those in need more directly; I felt this specifically after encountering some very ill individuals during my fieldwork. After much deliberation, I decided that nursing was the way to go, and after looking at various programs, decided that the one that most aligned with my personal values was the UBC School of Nursing. With this in mind, I finished my thesis, took the necessary pre-reqs, and applied. I was thrilled to be accepted! In the interim I taught nutrition as a sessional in the Faculty of Land and Food Systems, as well as overseas.

“As part of my field work [abroad], I realized that I wanted to have the knowledge and skills to assist those in need more directly; I felt this specifically after encountering some very ill individuals.”

I went into nursing without a clear idea of where I wanted to take my career. Only after joining the nursing program at UBC did I truly understand that there are so many different specialities. I decided to keep my mind open and see where the degree would take me. While I have loved all of my rotations, in the end Mental Health has been my absolute favourite, and I have decided that this where I want to work, possibly with a focus on addictions. While I am keen to take my nursing overseas one day, I hope to use the skills I have learned here at UBC to make a difference locally as well. At some point I may return to school to get my PhD in nursing.

During my time at UBC I have also been involved with extracurricular activities. I have volunteered with the AMS Sexual Assault Support Centre for the last three years doing outreach, and am currently serving as the Treasurer of the Nursing Undergraduate Society. I feel like my time at the UBC School of Nursing has been very well spent, and through it I have met many wonderful people. I can not wait to go forward with this career!