Daily Archives: February 2, 2013

Watch the Super Bowl or the Super Bowl Ads?

Super Bowl 2013 might not happen until Feb. 3, but that cannot stop advertisers from putting out their commercials in advance online in order to generate viewership for the expensive spots.

Beyonce is invited to perform at the halftime show for Super Bowl 2013

The Super Bowl, championship game of the NFL in the United States, is famous for the high-profile advertisements that air during its television broadcast in the U.S. The broadcast typically reaches more than 90 million viewers while the advertising spot can typically cost millions of dollars. Due to the popularity of the Super Bowl, the commercials are  highly anticipated, generating viewers through posting ads on Internet even before the game is played.

A teenager is insecured about going to the Senior Prom without a date. But when the father lets him borrow the new Audi S6 for the night, he gains confident, arriving at the Prom a powerful young man. Viewers are expected to watch this Super Bowl spot to see if his newly found bravery pays off.

The link above is an Audi ad teaser for the Super Bowl. Like Audi, Mercedes Benz is also trying to make money from the  well-established younger viewers by featuring Kate Upton, a popular model, in its Super Bowl ad. Baby boomer is usually the population that purchases luxury cars. However, by positioning themselves with younger audience who watch Super Bowl, luxury automakers could possibly expand their market and generate more revenues. 

Mercedes Benz ad featuring Kate Upton

Why are companies like Audi willing to spend almost $4 million per 30 seconds for an advertising spot during Super Bowl? Despite the enthusiasm of the viewers on the day of the game, the entertaining and creative advertisements might just provoke people’s affective attitude and not initiate any buying behaviors. Most viewers might be checking out other things while watching the game. As a result, companies who profit from the Super Bowl might not be the ones with the most creative ideas, but the ones who integrate creativity with their market mix in order to reinforce their sustainable advantages.


Sources:                                                                                                                                                       http://business.financialpost.com/2013/02/01/luxury-automakers-target-younger-hipper-audience-with-super-bowl-ads/

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