Blog3-Why is Apple so successful

Winnie’s blog is about how most of the people around the world are crazy fighting for the newest iphone 6. I totally agree with Winnie’s point of view, people are so crazy because Apple has an outstanding brand reputation. However, I don’t think this is the most critical reason, I think there are other reasons behind which make Apple such a successful company and become a threat to other companies.

I am interested in Winnie’ blog because I am a big fan of Apple’s products. As an iphone and a macbook user, there are a lot of reasons for me to purchase Apple’s products. Firstly, as Winnie has mentioned, Apple has established strong brand name and this is why people are trusting Apple’s products.  Secondly, Apple is a worldwide company, which also offers great in store customer services. You will always find an Apple store somewhere near you. Also, if you have any problem with any of your Apple products, you can always book an appointment online. Thirdly, I find Apple’s products easy to use since Apple’s products are all really similar to each other. Lastly, some people might consider Apple’s products expensive but I find Apple’s products very durable which I can use it for a long period of time. These are the reasons why I think Apple is so successful compare with other companies.


Image taken from here

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