Blog 1-Business Ethics (Child Labour)

From this article, Apple admits that they were using underage labour and the audit report has also shown that Apple was using overworking staff and some staff was even paying less than the minimum wage.

From my point of view, child labour is illegal in many countries and I am strongly disagreed on child labour for several reasons. Firstly, these companies are taking away children’s childhood which they should be continuing their education. This will hugely affect the future of the children since they are not educated, it will be hard for them to compete with other people when they grow up and work in their future societies. Secondly, it is dangerous for underage labour to work in factories and also the ability for children to work is much lower than adults so this might turn down the efficiency of the factories. Lastly, since most of the children were forced to work in the factory, they might not be using their whole effort and energy to work for the factories (idea from the video-Freeman’s Stakeholder Theory).

I think the government should pay more attention on these issues and address laws to prevent factories from hiring underage labour and using overworking staff.


Image taken from here

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