In the Loop: September 26-30


Terry Fox Run: As a school we have been raising money for cancer research. On Monday September 26th at 1:15pm we will be running our Terry Fox run.  Please send your child to school in appropriate running attire.

Kensington Library Visit: Reminder about our visit to the library on October 6th.  Please let me know if your child does not have a Vancouver Public Library card as soon as possible.

Pro-D Day: Friday September 30th — no school for students



All three grades will continue their patterning work this week.  On Wednesday we will be going on a nature walk around the school to find and draw patterns in nature!

Work Choice photos from this past week:


Working on fine motor skills as well as creating a core pattern to repeat on a piece of wire.



Creating core patterns with varying attributes such as size, shape and colour.



Studying and following patterns using the inclusive circle materials.




Criteria for Success- On Monday we will be starting our Criteria for Success learning.  Criteria for success are basically a set of steps in achieving our learning targets.  We will write and practice using this criteria for success and will evaluate our writing together in small groups using positive and constructive feedback. This will be an ongoing practice in our classroom.


Work choice photos from this past week:


Sandpaper letters and penmanship.


Word Study.



Mind-maps are so useful for organizing our thoughts and our research.



Metal inset art.


This past week we finished our Story of the Universe.  We explored and learned about the Big Bang and the events that created our solar system and our planet.  We also read about First Nations creation stories and discussed how different cultures have different stories about how the universe and earth came to be.

This week we will continue our universe and space study.  On Friday we started our research work on space. Each student has a Exploring Space Logbook that we will be working on over the next couple months. The students are using resources in the classroom as well as the library to gather information. When we visit the Kensington Public Library the students will be encouraged to borrow books that are helpful in their space study.

Forces of Cohesion: In small groups we will be doing an experiment to illustrate how the planets and the Sun each formed from different kinds of matter.  The swirling particles joined together to make each part of the solar system.


The Story of the Universe. This timeline represents 13 billion years.

The main events on the timeline are as follows:

13 billion yrs. ago: The Big Bang

12 billion yrs. ago: Galaxies

11 billion yrs. ago: The Milky Way

6 billion yrs. ago: The Supernova explosion

5 billion yrs. ago: Our Solar System

4 billion yrs. ago: Planets


A student took it upon herself to create her own timeline.















Working hard on their Exploring Space Logbooks.

1 Thought.

  1. This blog is really amazing! Thank you so much for all of your effort you put into it. As a parent I really appreciate it and seeing the work that you are doing with the kids. As probably with most parents, I don’t hear a lot of what goes on in the classroom from my daughter. Although we did have a great conversation about the big bang at the diner table the other night. She loved that.

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