October 31st: Pumpkin Carving in the Classroom


On Monday October 31st Division 5 will (hopefully) be pumpkin carving to make jack-o’-lanterns.

I am also asking that each child bring a small to medium pumpkin to school on halloween.  If you are dropping your child off in the morning you can bring them straight to the classroom along with a serrated carving knife or a child-friendly pumpkin carving knife. (I will also be searching for child-friendly serrated pumpkin carving knives this week)

This pumpkin carving lesson is meant to be fun and to celebrate Halloween, but also a great lesson in learning how to plan and learning how to use a knife.

In order for us to be able to do this I need 6-9 parent volunteers to help out on Monday afternoon from 1-3pm.  Please email me at hlangille@vsb.bc.ca if you would like to help out!

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