HR MacMillan Space Centre – Details for the trip

Thursday December 1st, 2016- Field Trip

8:55am – Arrive at Tyee Elementary School, attendance in classrooms

9:00am – Board bus to Planetarium

9:15am – Leave Tyee Elementary

9:45am – Arrive at Planetarium




Grade 1:

10:00am – Our Night Sky

11:00am – Secrets of the Sky

12:00pm – Lunch

1:00pm – Day in Space


Grade 2/3:

10:00am – Solar System Fun

11:00am – Cosmic Courtyard

11:30am – Lunch

12:00pm – Surfing the Solar System

1:00pm – Day in Space


1:30pm – Board bus back to Tyee Elementary

2:00-2:15pm – Arrive at Tyee Elementary

2:15-3:00pm – Journal write


What to bring:

  • Lunch
  • Snack
  • Water
  • Backpack that children can carry
  • Appropriate clothing and shoes for the weather


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